Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 143

Ignore the scale, and make the process your goal.
Ignore the scale, and make the process your goal.
 Harley Pasternak
What I want to make clear though is that we oppose terrorism in any form. However, any operation against terrorism should be under the framework of the United Nations and follow the fundamental principles of international laws.
 Nong ?uc Manh
The only difference between dreams and achievements is hard work.
 Chris Bollwage
A lot of the times I'm looking at something that I discover is part of a larger framework and not just a couple jokes. I see that it's a set, a story that I'll be telling. Sometimes I get lost in that.
 Lewis Black
My definition of financial freedom is simple: it is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money.
 T. Harv Eker
My job is to give people who work hard all week something to enjoy on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
 Arsene Wenger
If you want something you can have it, but you have to do some work. It's the ethic my mother brought me up with.
 Joanne Harris
One discipline always leads to another discipline.
Jessica Lange in Frances... was dramatic and passionate and one of the strongest performances I've seen a woman do
 Sherilyn Fenn
I think people instinctively know that their job is to give service and that they are part of a community. It had a great impact on me when my father walked the picket lines and I walked with him during the civil rights movement.
I think people instinctively know that their job is to give service and that they are part of a community. It had a great impact on me when my father walked the picket lines and I walked with him during the civil rights movement.
 Russell Simmons
giving the utmost of herself to three absorbing interests [marriage, motherhood, career] ... was a problem for a superwoman, and a job for a superwoman, and only some such fabled being could have accomplished it with success.
 Storm Jameson
Good people need room to develop. They have to find their own voice . . . each IBMer is a businessperson working within the framework of the company structure.
 Buck Rodgers
I rise in the dawn, and I kneel and blow Till the seed of the fire flicker and glow; And then I must scrub and bake and sweep Till the stars are beginning to blink and peep; And the young lie long and dream in their bed.
I've never had any kind of work ethic. I've never sat down with the intention of writing a song.
 Dan Bejar
I want to identify what a genuine man does—the virtues, the habits, the disciplines, the duties, the actions of true manhood—and then call men to do it.
 Stephen Mansfield
It seems as if an age of genius must be succeeded by an age of endeavour; riot and extravagance by cleanliness and hard work.
Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.
 Mark Rippetoe
The place was packed as we flooded in, all the patrons freezing at the sight of an armed sheriff, two deputies, an Indian, and a construction worker; we probably looked like the Village People.
 Craig Johnson
This story of loss and regaining of identity is, I think, the framework of all literature.
This story of loss and regaining of identity is, I think, the framework of all literature.
 Northrop Frye
In preseason camp, there are no friends. when newcomers arrive trying to take not only your job, but maybe your best friend's job, you work together to try to help each other. Everyone is an outsider until you're given a uniform.
 Sue Wicks