Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 120

Television in the \'80s was very limited. There was no Food Network.
Television in the '80s was very limited. There was no Food Network.
 Wolfgang Puck
When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers.
 Colleen Barrett
It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that, in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things.
Environmental history fit[s] into the framework of New Left history. [It is] history "from the bottom up," except that here the exploited element [is] the biota and the land itself.
 Roderick Nash
If we begin to see how the gospel is able to change our work, it can have a profound effect on our sense of calling and the meaning behind the work that we do day-in and day-out.
 David Kim
If a country is taking advantage of America, not going to let that happen anymore. Every country takes advantage of us almost. I may be able to find a couple that don't. But for the most part, that would be a very tough job for me to do.
I'm very introverted, so it requires a huge effort for me to put on a smile and extend a hand and accept compliments. I would much rather be insulted than complimented any day.
 Michael Ian Black
You've got to be flexible. Directors do a massive amount of planning and homework, and if after all that your director decides to throw it all out of the window and shoot spontaneously, then you must follow his lead.
Obama's gonna play Santa Claus with the minimum wage. He's got no successes to brag about. He cannot talk about a robust job market. In fact, the very fact he's talking about the minimum wage is evidence there is no robust job market.
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don\'t turn up at all.
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.
 Sam Ewing
Success in any endeavor does not happen by accident. Rather, it’s the result of deliberate decisions, conscious effort, and immense persistence...all directed at specific goals.
 Gary Ryan
Sometimes moving on takes effort. Sometimes moving on is harder than it looks.
 Simone Elkeles
I try not to read about myself. Why would reading about yourself be interesting? You're only going to be told you're doing a good job and get big headed about it, or be told you're rubbish and get down in the dumps. What's the point?
 Nicholas Hoult
One of the most important rules for success is this: Every great success is the result of hundreds and thousands of small efforts and accomplishments that no one sees or appreciates.
That society exists to frustrate the individual may be seen from its attitude to work. It is only morally acceptable if you do not want to do it. If you do want to, it becomes a personal pleasure.
 Celia Green
The job of the color photographer is to provide some level of abstraction that can take the image out of the daily.
 Joel Sternfeld
My dad always told me that I could be anything I wanted, if I was willing to work hard enough to achieve it.
 Coco Jones
Only a fool is never afraid, Frank. Heroes are the people who carry on despite their fear, because they know the job’s got to get done
Space and time are the framework within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience of reality.
Space and time are the framework within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience of reality.
 Immanuel Kant
Everybody understands that acting is a really difficult job. It's hard work. You've got to get dressed up, you've got to hang around with beautiful women. It's difficult. It's a problem.
 Bruce Willis