Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 117

I tend to approach things from a physics framework. And physics teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy.
I tend to approach things from a physics framework. And physics teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy.
When we strive to keep the commandments of God, repenting of our sins and promising our best efforts to follow the Savior, we begin to grow in confidence that through the Atonement everything will be all right.
 Wilford W. Andersen
The job is to ask questions - it always was - and to ask them as inexorably as I can. And to face the absence of precise answers with a certain humility.
 Arthur Miller
My job is usually to express emotion as freely as possible.
The harder I work the more I live.
Someone once defined hard work as the accumulation of the easy things you didn't do when you should have.
Acceptance is such an important commodity, some have called it "the first law of personal growth".
 Peter McWilliams
I'm happy going home early and working out and just being a mother and being a wife.
 Kim Alexis
My whole life, Ive wanted things before I was ready. I was always pushing for the next job, the next success. I was so focused on achieving and the path that I was missing some great point about life.
 David Duchovny
The hardest thing about my job isn\'t the snake bites or the crocodiles, it\'s being away from my children. I have a really religious satellite phone call every day back to the boys, wherever we are, whatever time zone, to say goodnight.
The hardest thing about my job isn't the snake bites or the crocodiles, it's being away from my children. I have a really religious satellite phone call every day back to the boys, wherever we are, whatever time zone, to say goodnight.
 Bear Grylls
The mind of an artist, in order to achieve the prodigious effort of freeing whole and entire the work that is in him, must be incandescent...there must be no obstacle in it, no foreign matter unconsumed.
I want to really focus on doing this two things I really would like to focus on science and the excitement of science and to help with science. So, that's my intention to focus my efforts there and I hope I will be able to do so.
 Ahmed H. Zewail
Every study of high achieving men and women proves that greatness in life is only possible when you become outstanding at your chosen field.
Abhor all idea of being saved by good works, but O, be as full of good works as if you were to be saved by them!
Superhuman effort isn't worth a damn unless it achieves results.
 Ernest Shackleton
You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." To a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005
Religion was made to order to "save the world," to use a phrase Christians use so much, but we really haven't been doing a good job of it for centuries. It's heartbreaking really.
 Richard Rohr
The motto I live by is "you can't out-train bad nutrition". You've got to just eat healthy. So like 90 per cent of it is diet, 10 per cent of it is working out.
 Scott Eastwood
There aren\'t many downsides to being rich, other than paying taxes and having relatives asking for money. But being famous, that\'s a 24 hour job right there.
There aren't many downsides to being rich, other than paying taxes and having relatives asking for money. But being famous, that's a 24 hour job right there.
 Bill Murray
That action is best which procures the greatest happiness.
 Francis Hutcheson