Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 115

Nothing increases the number of jobs so rapidly as labor-saving machinery, because it releases wants theretofore unknown, by permitting leisure.
Nothing increases the number of jobs so rapidly as labor-saving machinery, because it releases wants theretofore unknown, by permitting leisure.
 Isabel Paterson
I actually start drawing things. Usually they're abandoned before I commit too much time and effort.
 Daniel Clowes
Real Dreams don't require you to abandon your family, quit your job, and move to Tahiti with your paintbrush. They just require that you search your soul for that deep dream you put aside-and go for it. And watch your life light up.
 Barbara Sher
No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.
 Althea Gibson
I think to make any relationship work it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.
 Rebecca Romijn
I would say the issue for the labor movement in the United States is not structural... there is no correlation between the success of workers and how the labor movement is structured.
 Andy Stern
The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.
 Red Auerbach
I feel good, and the way I determine it is through my workout. I work so hard in the offseason that if I'm able to do everything I have to, I figure I must be healthy.
 Nomar Garciaparra
Whether our efforts are, or not, favored by life, let us be able to say, when we come near to the great goal, I have done what I could.
 Louis Pasteur
Whatever we accomplish is due to the combined effort.
Whatever we accomplish is due to the combined effort.
I'm on a diet. It's very strict: all hot dogs. Just sausages, constantly. It's working out - I've gained fifteen pounds!
 Beth Ditto
I never stay away from workouts. I work hard. I've tried to take care of my body. I'll never look back and say that I could have done more. I've paid the price in practice, but I know I get the most out of my ability.
 Carl Yastrzemski
Thanks to my solid academic training, today I can write hundreds of words on virtually any topic without possessing a shred of information which is how I got a good job in journalism.
The world is full of willing people; some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
I took on cancer like I take on everything - like a mission and a job to accomplish.
 Sam Taylor-Wood
Saying I was lucky negates the hard work I put in and spits on that guy who’s freezing his ass off back in Brooklyn.
 Peter Dinklage
Do not ignore you gift. Your gift is the thing you do the absolute BEST with the LEAST amount of effort."~Steve Harvey
 Steve Harvey
Even the best grandmasters in the world have had to work hard to acquire the technique of rook endings.
 Paul Keres
We must promote solid traits such as work ethics, a dignified lifestyle, matching actions to rhetoric, performance rather than grandstanding.
We must promote solid traits such as work ethics, a dignified lifestyle, matching actions to rhetoric, performance rather than grandstanding.
 Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Don’t get me wrong. Being a mom is no picnic. Raising the kids is the mother’s responsibility. It’s a thankless, solitary job, like sheriff or Pope.