Inspire Your Growth Mindset with these Powerful Growth Quotes - page 97

The secret of successful people lies in their ability to discover their strengths and to organize their life so that these strengths can be applied.
The secret of successful people lies in their ability to discover their strengths and to organize their life so that these strengths can be applied.
Movement turns dead dogs into maggots and daisies, and flour butter sugar an egg and a tablespoon of milk into Abernethy biscuits, and spermatozoa and ovaries into fishy little plants growing babyward if we take no care to stop them.
 Alasdair Gray
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
 Arthur Ashe
Few of us stand prosperity; another man's I mean.
Tall, completely jacked, steroids, like multiple growth hormones. That's, like, the type that I'm attracted to.
It takes some little time to accept and realize the fact that while you have been growing old, your friends have not been standing still, in that matter.
My number one thing was that if I ever did get successful enough to make it, I wanted to be able to give back to my family.
 Victoria Justice
Globalization and free trade do spur economic growth, and they lead to lower prices on many goods.
 Robert Reich
I definitely knew that I loved acting from the very beginning. I was such a ham growing up. Wherever the camera was, I wanted to be right in front of it.
 Naya Rivera
Success is not arriving at the summit of a mountain as a final destination.  It is a continuing upward spiral of progress.  It is perpetual growth.
Success is not arriving at the summit of a mountain as a final destination.  It is a continuing upward spiral of progress.  It is perpetual growth.
 Wilferd Peterson
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
These younger kids - I think growing up with social media, they're just savvy.
 John Stamos
You need a string of successes behind you to buoy that self-image; otherwise, you have a terribly negative attitude about yourself and it is very unlikely you are going to succeed at anything.
I still feel young as far as motivation is concerned, and also the challenges that I have for the future and what I want to achieve. So I just hope this successful streak is extended to the fullest.
 Novak Djokovic
There was almost a universal acceptance of unhealthy conditions. Sulfur dioxide in smokestack emissions were the price, or smell, of prosperity.
 Denis Hayes
Refusing to grow up is like refusing to accept your limitations. That's why I don't think we'll ever grow up.
 Robert Smith
Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live.
 Anne Sweeney
Don't be afraid of new ideas. Be afraid of old ideas. They keep you where you are and stop you from growing and moving forward. Concentrate on where you want to go, not on what you fear.
Susan Sontag: What she really wanted, throughout her career, was to grow up to be a Frenchman.
Susan Sontag: What she really wanted, throughout her career, was to grow up to be a Frenchman.
We must learn to apply all that we know so that we can attract all that we want.