Inspire Your Growth Mindset with these Powerful Growth Quotes - page 70

It happens that once we learn a thing, the motivation to keep it up grows and expands further as well.
If you\'re going through hell, keep going.
It happens that once we learn a thing, the motivation to keep it up grows and expands further as well. If you're going through hell, keep going.
Be a spot of ground where nothing is growing, where something might be planted, a seed, possibly, from the Absolute.
There are only two rules for being successful. One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it.
 Mario Cuomo
All of us get knocked down, but it's resiliency that really matters. All of us do well when things are going well, but the thing that distinguishes athletes is the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.
 Roger Staubach
By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it.
 Nikos Kazantzakis
No propagation or multiplication is more rapid that that of evil, unless it be checked; no growth more certain.
Friendships do not grow up in any carefully tended and contemplated fashion.... They begin haphazard.
 Christopher Morley
A young person, to achieve, must first get out of his mind any notion either of the ease or rapidity of success. Nothing ever just happens in this world.
 Edward Bok
Our goal in making these changes is to enable Microsoft to achieve greater agility in managing the incredible growth ahead and executing our software-based services strategy.
 Steve Ballmer
Trees acquire strength by growing slowly and flexing with the pressures of nature. Us too.
Trees acquire strength by growing slowly and flexing with the pressures of nature. Us too.
 Gene Simmons
I wanted to be a concert pianist at Carnegie Hall; that is what I wanted to do from really early on. I actually was the accompanist for a couple of the musicals I was in growing up.
 Kirsten Nelson
If you were running a solar company you may be okay - you may be able to keep growing. The question for physics is: Can you grow fast enough to begin to catch up with the damage?
 Bill McKibben
Don't we have to respond to people who don't seem normal to us? Will my child grow up able to accept that not everyone looks the same?
 Nancy Burson
A moving door hinge never corrodes. Flowing water never grows stagnant.
 Ming-Dao Deng
If you don't want responsibility, don't sit in the big chair. To be successful, you must accept full responsibility
 Pat Summitt
The stages of human development are to strive for: (1) Besitz [Possession] (2) Wissen [Knowledge] (3) Können [Ability] (4) Sein [Being].
 Erwin Schrodinger
When grandpa was ill and could've died, I would have swapped all my record sales so he could get well. He is the reason I am a singer. He was my best friend growing up.
 Michael Buble
On this International Literacy Day, let us recall that literacy for all is an integral part of education for all, and that both are critical for achieving truly sustainable development for all.
Domestic violence was a way of life in my home growing up, my brother and I watched helplessly numerous times as my mother was beaten and knocked unconscious while we dialed 911.
Domestic violence was a way of life in my home growing up, my brother and I watched helplessly numerous times as my mother was beaten and knocked unconscious while we dialed 911.
 Troy Vincent
... the deep experience of the lonely climb on the mountain of success brings a wealth beyond power to compute. To you all suffering is understandable and your heart opens wide in sympathy.
 Alice Foote MacDougall