Inspire Your Growth Mindset with these Powerful Growth Quotes - page 62

We live in an age of publicity and hype. There\'s something about success that dehumanizes you, whereas failure reminds you of who you really are.
We live in an age of publicity and hype. There's something about success that dehumanizes you, whereas failure reminds you of who you really are.
 Norman Jewison
It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift.
 Beyonce Knowles
To be a successful boxer, the last thing you need to be doing is turning up to the gym stoned. You're going to get beaten up if you do that.
 David Haye
Generation after generation of women have pledged to raise their daughters differently, only to find that their daughters grow up and fervently pledge the same thing.
 Elizabeth Debold
The key to a successful marriage is accepting that you're not going to change the other person. And the words "Yes, dear. Whatever you want.
 Patrick Dempsey
If you want to achieve things in life, you've just got to do them, and if you're talented and smart, you'll succeed.
 Juliana Hatfield
You can become instantly successful with a simple thought, but long-lasting and pronounced success comes to those who renew their commitment to a mindset of abundance every minute of every hour of every day.
It took me so many years to move out. I'm definitely a bit of a Peter Pan, reluctant to grow up. It all seemed really nice at home-why change it? Part of me would prefer not to have any responsibility whatsoever.
 Helena Bonham Carter
In its broadest ecological context, economic development is the development of more intensive ways of exploiting the natural environment.
 Richard G. Wilkinson
The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing.
The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing.
 Lance Armstrong
I'm not scared of growing old, I'm just scared of not achieving everything that I want to do.
 Melanie Laurent
The insolence of base minds in success is boundless; and would scarce admit of a comparison, did not they themselves furnish us with one in the degrees of their abjection when evil returns upon them.
 Laurence Sterne
The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qa'ida. I salute President Obama ... in achieving this major accomplishment. ... The death of Osama bin Laden is historic.
 Nancy Pelosi
Life is not measured by its length, but by its depth.
Pluripotent cells have the ability to grow into any cell in the body.
 Nathan Deal
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
When I was a child I thought I saw an angel. It had wings and kinda looked like my sister. I opened the door so some light could come into the room, and it sort of faded away. My mother said it was probably my Guardian Angel.
 Denzel Washington
I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow.
 Marissa Mayer
I feel incredibly successful. I make a living as a writer and am able to help support a big family, my church, my bleeding-heart causes.
I feel incredibly successful. I make a living as a writer and am able to help support a big family, my church, my bleeding-heart causes.
All work is empty save when there is love.