Inspire Your Growth Mindset with these Powerful Growth Quotes - page 38

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Know thyself means this, that you get acquainted with what you know, and what you can do.
I am learning to be more vulnerable and open on stage. This comes with the development of my acting abilities.
 Ben Heppner
Mother loved the wind. When I was growing up, she would recite this poem to me. Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I, But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by. So it is with God.
 Alice Steinbach
Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.
Such growth will move humans into ever-higher energy states, ultimately transforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension of existence with the afterlife dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death.
 James Redfield
If you can dream it, you can do it. Your limits are all within yourself.
We find ourselves in a difficult situation in Europe. There's a crisis, weak growth, unemployment... my duty is to ensure that by the end of my mandate France is in a better state than it was at the beginning.
 Francois Hollande
The acquisition of True Temper broadens our lawn and garden product line with outstanding, highly respected brands, ... The purchase also expands USI Hardware and Tool's customer base and provides additional capacity for future growth.
 David A. Clarke, Jr
To be an overachiever you have to be an over believer.
To be an overachiever you have to be an over believer.
 Dabo Swinney
It is true that the mental aspect of kung-fu is the desired end; however, to achieve this end, technical skill must come first.
One grows accustomed to being praised, or being blamed, or being advised, but it is unusual to be understood.
You will learn and grow according to the nature and consequences of your actions.
 Robert Anthony
I like to think I get better with age, but maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder.
 Bonnie Raitt
If at first you don't succeed-try, try again. Don't think of it as failure. Think of it as timed-release success.
 Robert Orben
The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.
When we feel stuck, going nowhere-even starting to slip backward-we may actually be backing up to get a running start.
 Dan Millman
American prosperity and American free enterprise are both highly unusual in the world, and we should not overlook the possibility that the two are connected.
Test scores and measures of achievement tell you where a student is, but they don\'t tell you where a student could end up.
Test scores and measures of achievement tell you where a student is, but they don't tell you where a student could end up.
 Carol S. Dweck
I didn't grow up with a mother, so I don't have that resource to rely on and ask a million questions.
 Vanessa Lachey