Inspire Your Growth Mindset with these Powerful Growth Quotes - page 103

Getting things accomplished isn\'t nearly as important as taking    time for love.
Getting things accomplished isn't nearly as important as taking time for love.
 Janette Oke
Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
This is my child. I planted it. I saw it grow. I loved it. Don't cut it down.
 R.K. Narayan
A lot of people notice when you succeed, but they don't see what it takes to get there.
 Dawn Staley
And if the liberal media and political community cannot accept that sometimes the wrong people get killed in war, then I can only suggest they first grow up and then serve a short stint up in the Hindu Kush.
 Marcus Luttrell
I wish I could freeze time or go back in time and watch my kids grow up all over again because it is just going by too fast.
 Robert Rodriguez
This and many others only confirmed me in the opinion, planted when I saw the sale of Martha Ann, and growing steadily thereafter, that slavery was an accursed business, and that the sooner my people were relieved of it, the better.
 John Sergeant Wise
Accepting oneself does not preclude an attempt to become better.
 Flannery O'Connor
Often a certain abdication of prudence and foresight is an element of success.
Innovation accelerates and compounds. Each point in front of you is bigger than anything that ever happened.
Innovation accelerates and compounds. Each point in front of you is bigger than anything that ever happened.
 Marc Andreessen
I have a daughter, and fairies meant a lot to her growing up.
 Michael Sheen
If you are going to be a successful duck hunter, you must go where the ducks are.
 Bear Bryant
All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them.
 William Halsey
Good governance is treating development as a mass movement in order to see that fruits of development reach the poor and the downtrodden.
Our consciousness rarely registers the beginning of a growth within us any more than without us; there have been many circulation of the sap before we detect the smallest sign of the bud.
Your success and happiness lie in you. External conditions are the accidents of life, its outer trappings.
I think achieving a higher fiscal stability is also a very important condition for restoring an environment which is conducive to growth...
 Lucas Papademos
Leadership has become a heavy industry. Concern and interest about leadership development is no longer an American phenomenon. It is truly global. Though I will probably be in less demand, I wanted to move on.
 Warren G. Bennis
If life is so critical, if Anne Frank could die, if my friend could die, children were as vulnerable as adults, and that gave me a secret purpose to my work, to make them live. Because I wanted to live. I wanted to grow up.
If life is so critical, if Anne Frank could die, if my friend could die, children were as vulnerable as adults, and that gave me a secret purpose to my work, to make them live. Because I wanted to live. I wanted to grow up.
 Maurice Sendak
Success is dependent upon the glands - sweat glands.