Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 73

Losing my mother at such an early age is the scar of my soul. But I feel like it ultimately made me into the person I am today; I understand the journey of life. I had to go through what I did to be here.
Losing my mother at such an early age is the scar of my soul. But I feel like it ultimately made me into the person I am today; I understand the journey of life. I had to go through what I did to be here.
 Mariska Hargitay
I am always jumping into the sausage grinder and deciding, even before I’m half ground, that I don’t want to be a sausage after all.
 Jessamyn West
Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
Time your actions so you're not fighting against the currents but moving with them.
 Arthur Golden
Freedom may come quickly in robes of peace or after ages of conflict and war, but come it will, and abide it will, so long as the principles by which it was acquired are held sacred.
 Edward Everett
The most important point of [Susan] Fiske's work is that it provides a taxonomy for our differing feelings about different Thems - sometimes fear, sometimes ridicule, sometimes contemptuous pity, sometimes savagery.
 Robert M. Sapolsky
I've always said that growing up in postwar Japan, I never felt any connection to my work through those experiences. The work I do really comes from inside myself. For me, being born in Japan was an accident.
 Rei Kawakubo
There is an anti-aging possibility, but it has to come from within.
 Susan Anton
We don't like to kill our unborn; we need them to grow up and fight our wars.
There were times after my marriage ended where, you know, I really felt like I was at the bottom of a mountain, there was a great big, fog up there, and I\'m never going to cross to the other side.
There were times after my marriage ended where, you know, I really felt like I was at the bottom of a mountain, there was a great big, fog up there, and I'm never going to cross to the other side.
 Lynn Redgrave
Music hath the charm to soothe a savage beast, but I'd try a revolver first.
 Josh Billings
It means being able to resist the urge for immediate gratification and opt for the course of action that will pay off later.
 Ann Landers
There is so little difference between husbands you might as well keep the first.
 Adela Rogers St. Johns
It is the fundamental theory of all the more recent American law...that the average citizen is half-witted, and hence not to be trusted to either his own devices or his own thoughts.
Benjamin Franklin and the whole idea of a new attitude to money: "Time is money." He invented that idea. Before that, time wasn't money in the same way; in the medieval age it was regarded as sinful for money to be the object of your life.
 Tom Hodgkinson
Who soweth good seed shall surely reap; The year grows rich as it groweth old, And life's latest sands are its sands of gold!
 Julia Caroline Dorr
Growing up as a kid, we moved all over the country on a fairly frequent basis, from New Jersey to Texas, California, Illinois... we moved 21 times in my first 17 years.
 J. Michael Straczynski
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep: I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
 Alexander The Great
The average woman is a size 14 but \'plus\' models start at a size six. The industry wants you to feel bad about yourself, and they succeed. I find it to be disgusting.
The average woman is a size 14 but 'plus' models start at a size six. The industry wants you to feel bad about yourself, and they succeed. I find it to be disgusting.
 Whitney Thompson
The brave man, inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.
 Andrew Jackson