Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 69

Maturity is the ability to live in peace with that which we cannot change.
Maturity is the ability to live in peace with that which we cannot change.
 Ann Landers
Learning -the kind of ignorance affected by (and affecting) civilized races, as distinguished from ignorance, the sort of learning incurred by savages. See nonsense.
Average human nature is very coarse, and its ideals must necessarily be average. The world never loved perfect poise. What the world does love is commonly absence of poise, for it has to be amused.
 Henry Adams
Now comes the second machine age. Computers and other digital advances are doing for mental power - the ability to use our brains to understand and shape our environments-what the steam engine and its descendants did for muscle power.
 Erik Brynjolfsson
Adolescence is the period of the decisive last battle fought before maturity. The ego must achieve independence, the old emotional ties must be cast off, the new ones created.
 Helene Deutsch
For me, I am still very happy to be able to do stage design as it's an opportunity to express the extreme.
 Christian Lacroix
I moved out to LA, got an agent, started auditioning. I didn't know anything about how it worked. And since I was really bad, luckily, I didn't get any of those parts.
 Casey Affleck
Basically, I was a kid growing up with a single mother in Brooklyn.
 David Blaine
A language is not just a body of vocabulary or a set of grammatical rules. ... Every language is an old-growth forest of the mind.
 Wade Davis
The growth of the mind is the widening of the range of consciousness, and each step forward has been a most painful and laborious achievement.
The growth of the mind is the widening of the range of consciousness, and each step forward has been a most painful and laborious achievement.
I am a huge animal lover. Growing up, my mother and I rescued countless animals - dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, even a turtle. I have been accused of caring more about animals than I do about people.
 Amanda Schull
When I was your age I knew nothing about the world or my place in it. I figured I'd be someone's wife, then someone's mother. It never occurred to me to be someone myself.
 Wendy Mass
“To be heroic is to be courageous enough to die for something; to be inspirational is to be crazy enough to live a little.”
A man's diary is a record in youth of his sentiments, in middle age of his actions, in old age of his reflections.
 John Quincy Adams
A simple enough pleasure, surely, to have breakfast alone with one's husband, but how seldom married people in the midst of life achieve it.
 Anne Morrow Lindbergh
One survey that I saw that was published I think in Variety or Electronic Media within the last three weeks says that now the average hour of radio in the United States has 18 minutes of commercials.
 Robert Waterman McChesney
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Man is more powerful than matter.
Humour is the describing the ludicrous as it is in itself; wit is the exposing it, by comparing or contrasting it with something else. Humour is, as it were, the growth of nature and accident; wit is the product of art and fancy.
Humour is the describing the ludicrous as it is in itself; wit is the exposing it, by comparing or contrasting it with something else. Humour is, as it were, the growth of nature and accident; wit is the product of art and fancy.
Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice.