Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 57

You have the choice. You can choose joy over despair, happiness over tears, action over apathy, growth over stagnation.
You have the choice. You can choose joy over despair, happiness over tears, action over apathy, growth over stagnation.
 Leo Buscaglia
This is an inevitable and easily recognizable stage in every revolutionary movement: reformers must expect to be disowned by those who are only too happy to enjoy what has been won for them.
 Doris Lessing
[My father] had a massive middle-age breakdown. And left the family. And then it just completely fell apart. And my mother was heartbroken, just completely devastated. To make ends meet we started selling off all our possessions.
 Bryan Cranston
The weariest and most loathed worldly life, that age, ache, penury and imprisonment can lay on nature is a paradise, to what we fear of death.
A wheel that can be turned though nothing else moves with it, is not a part of the mechanism.
 Ludwig Wittgenstein
The market is like a language, and you have to be able to understand what they're saying.
 Jil Sander
One of the reasons I did this, because I wasn't really looking for another science fiction film, was that my daughter can see it. She's 9 and it's really a good film for all ages.
 Sigourney Weaver
It is with an old love as it is with old age a man lives to all the miseries, but is dead to all the pleasures.
Are you? What? Venomous? Another savage smile. He touched the tip of one fang with his tongue and when he drew it away, she saw a pearl of golden liquid. Try me and see. Maybe later, after I’ve survived Michaela.
 Nalini Singh
You\'ve got to love acting and that\'s true for me. I love the idea of getting on stage and getting in front of a camera.
You've got to love acting and that's true for me. I love the idea of getting on stage and getting in front of a camera.
 Warwick Davis
Even in a fantasy realm, growing up is accomplished not without cost.
 Lloyd Alexander
This is the age of bargain hunters. If it had been this way in biblical times, we'd probably have been offered another commandment free if we had accepted the first ten.
 Earl Wilson
The wonder of a free-market society is that we can all do our best to package our message in an entertaining fashion and present it - and then everybody votes with their footsteps.
No matter how good or bad we may feel, no matter how up or down we may be, Christ loves us, accepts us, and thinks the world of us.
 Myles Munroe
I don't rehash the past. It's my baggage. That's all. I accept things as they are.
 Roman Polanski
Today, we see the reemergence of reverence for the Divine Mother that we knew in past ages.
 Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Comedy and sausages are the two things that if you know how they're made they affect the appetite.
 Mike Myers
The main cause of my difficulties stemmed from the tragedy of my daughter's unsound birth and my inability to face my feelings.
 Gene Tierney
It\'s hard for women at my age in Hollywood, but I\'m not discouraged.
It's hard for women at my age in Hollywood, but I'm not discouraged.
 Jane Fonda
I have 5 teenage daughters, and I learned the hard way - it's difficult to talk to any person under the age of 25 without the presence of a cell phone.
 Marc Ostrofsky