Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 38

I don\'t regret not going to college. Students learn up to the age of 21, then stop. I\'ll always be learning - the things that really matter in life. How to sign on, how to get free food, how to be streetwise.
I don't regret not going to college. Students learn up to the age of 21, then stop. I'll always be learning - the things that really matter in life. How to sign on, how to get free food, how to be streetwise.
 Caitlin Moran
The generation of youth in the early 21st century has no way of grasping if they will ever be free from the gnawing sense of the transience, indefiniteness, and provisional nature of any settlement.
I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.
The convention of the coming-of-age story and the love story were literally abandoned - because they had to be - and a new kind of coming-of-age and love story emerged that required a different kind of telling the story.
 Lidia Yuknavitch
I've found acting on stage much more challenging than on screen.
 Elizabeth McGovern
It is, no doubt, an immense advantage to have done nothing, but one should not abuse it.
 Antoine Rivarol
Today, you're halfway to 100! Here's to optimism, whether it is realistic or not. Happy 50th birthday!
Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.
Much more than a 20th-century village storyteller, Cees Nooteboom stands as an impressive and inimitable voice among contemporary writers.
 Linda Simon
Even one voice can be heard loudly all over the world in this day and age.
Even one voice can be heard loudly all over the world in this day and age.
I have never known stage-fright at any time.
 Kate Smith
In some departments of our daily life, in which we imagine ourselves free agents, we are ruled by dictators exercising great power.
 Edward Bernays
Let no one say that taking action is hard. Action is aided by courage, by the moment, by impulse, and the hardest thing in the world is making a decision.
 Franz Grillparzer
I do not believe, from what I have been told about this people, that there is anything barbarous or savage about them, except that we all call barbarous anything that is contrary to our own habits.
When I was growing up, the top movies dealt with grown-up, complex emotions.
 John Slattery
Ageing is, simply and clearly, the accumulation of damage in the body. That's all that ageing is.
 Aubrey de Grey
The average well-being of our societies is not dependent any longer on national income and economic growth. ... But the differences between us and where we are in relation to each other now matter very much.
 Richard G. Wilkinson
The information that the Secret Service shared with the White House included hotel records and firsthand accounts - the same types of evidence the agency and military relied on to determine who in their ranks was involved.
 Carol D. Leonnig
faces deceive, and the loveliness of youth is not like the loveliness of age - an absolute mirror of the soul within.
faces deceive, and the loveliness of youth is not like the loveliness of age - an absolute mirror of the soul within.
 Anna Katharine Green
Fox came to us with the concept for ICE AGE and they came to us with the first draft of the script. They also gave us a mandate to make it into a comedy from what was previously a rather dramatic action concept.
 Chris Wedge