Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 37

The noblest deeds are well enough set forth in simple language; emphasis spoils them.
The noblest deeds are well enough set forth in simple language; emphasis spoils them.
 Jean de la Bruyere
The journey, not the arrival, matters; the voyage, not the landing.
 Paul Theroux
May we not suspect that the vague but very real fears of children, which are quite independent of experience, are the inherited effects of real dangers and abject superstitions during ancient savage times?
Human beings, in their thinking, feeling and acting are not free agents but are as causally bound as the stars in their motion.
As your employer, if I see that you have to work hard to get your results, yet your coworkers achieve their results with little effort, don't be surprised if I'm not all that impressed with your hard work.
 Larry Winget
I was into fantasy more than horror. I was growing up in the mid-'70s through the '80s, and I also got a healthy dose of that classic era of film.
 Arik Roper
Thurgood Marshall was uniquely able to understand and comprehend what it meant to grow up in the Jim Crow south.
 Dahlia Lithwick
You've gotta understand that with branding and the way things are promoted, in our day and age, your older movie stars are not reachable or accessible because they're not a part of the whole social media world.
 Kevin Hart
“Discipline is your best friend. It will take of you like nothing else can.”
 Jocko Willink
Savage, despicable evil. That\'s what we were fighting in Iraq.
Savage, despicable evil. That's what we were fighting in Iraq.
 Chris Kyle
We must believe what is good and true about the prophets, that they were sages, that they did understand what proceeded from their mouths, and that they bore prudence on their lips.
God, who prepares His work through ages, accomplishes it when the hour is come, with the feeblest instruments.
I directed the men in our barque to approach near the savages, and hold their arms in readiness to do their duty in case they notice any movement of these people against us.
 Samuel de Champlain
Show me a man of average ability but extraordinary desire and I'll show you a winner every time.
 Andrew Carnegie
One of my greatest fears is not being able to change, to be caught in a never-ending cycle of sameness. Growth is so important.
 Matt Dillon
Of course language manifests a belief only if we use its words with the implied acceptance of their appositeness.
 Michael Polanyi
Most of the beauty of women evaporates when they achieve domestic happiness at the price of their independence.
 Cyril Connolly
The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up.
If our free society is to endure, and I know it will, those who govern must recognize that the Framers of the Constitution limited their power in order to preserve human dignity and the air of freedom which is our proudest heritage.
If our free society is to endure, and I know it will, those who govern must recognize that the Framers of the Constitution limited their power in order to preserve human dignity and the air of freedom which is our proudest heritage.
 William J. Brennan
My mother married a very good man ... and she is not at all keen on my doing the same.