Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 202

If there be no right of rebellion against a state of things that no savage tribe would endure without resistance, then I am sure that it is better for men to fight and die without right than to live in such a state of right as this.
If there be no right of rebellion against a state of things that no savage tribe would endure without resistance, then I am sure that it is better for men to fight and die without right than to live in such a state of right as this.
 Roger Casement
A movie is really provocation. It's not a message, it's not a statement.
 Ang Lee
We acquire the strength we have overcome.
I have an acquired taste for language, yet it is seldom an actual focus of mine.
 Saul Williams
To grow up is to accept vulnerability. To be alive is to be vulnerable.
 Madeleine L'Engle
Life is an instinct for growth, for survival, for the accumulation of forces, for power.
Desire can't be sated, because if it is, the longing disappears and then we've failed, because desire is the state we seek.
What though youth gave love and roses, Age still leaves us friends and wine
 Thomas More
And C++ programming languages, we own those, have licensed them out multiple times, obviously. We have a lot of royalties coming to us from C++.
 Darl McBride
Of the many forms of false culture, a premature converse with abstractions is perhaps the most likely to prove fatal to the growth of a masculine vigour of intellect.
Of the many forms of false culture, a premature converse with abstractions is perhaps the most likely to prove fatal to the growth of a masculine vigour of intellect.
 George Boole
He who has plenty of pepper will pepper his cabbage.
 Publilius Syrus
Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry is own weight, this is a frightening prospect.
An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it.
In a high school, the norms act to hold down the achievements of those who are above average, so that the school's demands will be at a level easily maintained by the majority.
 James S. Coleman
The beauty myth moves for men as a mirage; its power lies in its ever-receding nature. When the gap is closed, the lover embraces only his own disillusion.
 Naomi Wolf
All men are created equal. It is what you do from there that makes the difference. We are all free agents in life. We make our own decisions. We control our own destiny.
 Glenn Beck
It is true that the mental aspect of kung-fu is the desired end; however, to achieve this end, technical skill must come first.
I understand that Detroit was a pretty rough place to grow up in the '70s and '80s.
 Buzz Aldrin
I think that the American people should rest assured and be assured that every federal agency that has a role to play in this terrorism is working overtime now. They are taking every necessary action to protect our great citizens.
I think that the American people should rest assured and be assured that every federal agency that has a role to play in this terrorism is working overtime now. They are taking every necessary action to protect our great citizens.
 Hugh Shelton
The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he's dead.
 Bette Davis