Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 200

And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear.
And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear.
It must be noted that it is often the colleague or direct disciple of a new thinker who gets stuck in literal interpretations of the work, tending to freeze the new ideas and language into an inflexible, static condition.
 Uta Hagen
We are storytelling creatures, and as children we acquire language to tell those stories that we have inside us.
 Jerome Bruner
Ndamukong Suh is the best player in this generation to hit free agency since Reggie White.
 Mark Dominik
Obama's presidency hasn't been dedicated to achieving economic growth in the short term, or about creating jobs.
 John Podhoretz
Tragedies happen, accidents happen.
 Sarah Hanson-Young
Individualism has really the higher aim. Modern morality consists in accepting the standard of one's age.
Suspense: the only literary tool that has any effect upon tyrants and savages.
If you want to achieve a high goal, you're going to have to take some chances.
 Alberto Salazar
So near along life\'s stream are the fountains of innocence and youth making fertile its sandy margin; and the voyageur will do well to replenish his vessels often at these uncontaminated sources.
So near along life's stream are the fountains of innocence and youth making fertile its sandy margin; and the voyageur will do well to replenish his vessels often at these uncontaminated sources.
There is in the heart of woman such a deep well of love that no age can freeze it.
 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
It is a truism to say that the dog is largely what his master makes of him: he can be savage and dangerous, untrustworthy, cringing and fearful; or he can be faithful and loyal, courageous and the best of companions and allies.
 Ranulph Fiennes
What you feel doesn’t matter in the end; it’s what you do that makes you brave.
 Andre Agassi
Rational behavior requires theory. Reactive behavior requires only reflex action.
 W. Edwards Deming
The sage does not attempt anything very big, and thus achieves greatness.
I look at old interviews and things and they say, 'What do you want to do when you grow up?' I say, 'I want to be a producer.' And I'm really fortunate that I was able to do it.
 Shaun Cassidy
Bravery is not the absence of fear but the forging ahead despite being afraid
 Robert Liparulo
Donations to my legal defense fund really help, and I think keeping me motivated and spreading the message are also very important.
 Chelsea Manning
At 50 you now have realized
?Getting old isn\'t fair?
And that it\'s hard to make a comeback
?When you haven\'t gone anywhere
At 50 you now have realized ?Getting old isn't fair? And that it's hard to make a comeback ?When you haven't gone anywhere
 John Walter Bratton
The Alexander Technique has helped me to undo knots, unblock energy and deal with almost paralysing stage fright
 William Hurt