Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 2

Growing up is about learning to live with imperfection.
Growing up is about learning to live with imperfection.
Growing up is about learning to love yourself.
Growing up is a process that never ends.
Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.
Growing up is about learning to be brave.
Growing up is about discovering who you really are.
Growing up is realizing that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.
Growing up means learning to be adaptable.
Growing up is a process, not an event.
Growing up is about learning to be creative.
Growing up is about learning to be creative.
Growing up is realizing that everyone makes mistakes.
Growing up is learning to appreciate the beauty in the world around you.
Growing up is not the problem; forgetting is.
Growing up is discovering the value of hard work.
Growing up is learning to appreciate the small things in life.
Growing up is about finding your place in the world.
Growing up is not a matter of age, but a state of mind.
Growing up is a mix of excitement and fear.
Growing up is discovering the joy of giving back.
Growing up is discovering the joy of giving back.
Growing up means learning to say goodbye.