Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 171

Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.
Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.
 Miguel de Unamuno
Not trying is the surest way of achieving nothing at all.
French culture takes ageing very seriously. There's much less ageism than in Anglo-Saxon countries.
 Kristin Scott Thomas
I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago... I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.
 Rudyard Kipling
If men had more up top we'd need less up front
 Jaci Stephen
I am as free as nature first made man, Ere the base laws of servitude began, When wild in woods the noble savage ran.
 John Dryden
I grew up as a very sarcastic person. I was always the class clown, and to date girls I had to be really funny. I was really skinny growing up.
 Kurt Fuller
To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow - this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.
You remember when you were a kid growing up, and believed in Santa Claus? There's not much difference between Santa Claus and me today, you know. We're two overweight lovable guys that kids really enjoy.
 Bobby Knight
Immensely clever and libidinously hilarious.The most astonishing thing about Love in a Dead Language is its ingenious construction. Insofar as any printed volume can lay claim to being a multimedia work, this book earns that distinction.
Immensely clever and libidinously hilarious.The most astonishing thing about Love in a Dead Language is its ingenious construction. Insofar as any printed volume can lay claim to being a multimedia work, this book earns that distinction.
 Paul Di Filippo
the greatest learning of the ages lies in accepting life exactly as it comes to us.
 Anthony de Mello
Celtic civilization was tribal, but by no means savage or uncultivated. People who regarded the theft of a harp from a bard as a crime second only to an attack on the tribal chieftain cannot be regarded as wanting in cultivated feeling.
 Robertson Davies
Just as the savage must wrestle with nature to satisfy his wants, to maintain and reproduce life, so must civilised man, and he must do so in all social formations and under all possible modes of production.
If a regular law enforcement agency wants your phone records, all they have to do is issue a subpoena. But now the intelligence agency is not able to quickly gather records and look at them to see who these terrorists are calling.
I enjoy darker sardonic wit more than knock-knock jokes. I spent the first healthy chunk of my career playing all-American, pleasant, average, nice people, so it's fun to have some complications there.
 Neil Patrick Harris
There is no absolute knowledge. And those who claim it, whether they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy.
 Jacob Bronowski
God bless you young women and young men who struggle through the worrisome teenage years. Some of you may not yet have found yourselves, but you are not lost, for Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer.
 Boyd K. Packer
You have to be there not for the fame and glory and recognition and being a page in a history book, but you have to be there because you believe your talent and ability can be applied effectively to operation of the spacecraft.
 Alan Shepard
And what\'s strange, what would be marvelous, is not that God should really exist; the marvel is that such an idea, the idea of the necessity of God, could enter the head of such a savage, vicious beast as man.
And what's strange, what would be marvelous, is not that God should really exist; the marvel is that such an idea, the idea of the necessity of God, could enter the head of such a savage, vicious beast as man.
There is need for a crusade of manliness and purity to counteract and nullify the savage work of those who think man is a beast. And that crusade is your work.
 Josemaria Escriva