Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 170

I\'m in a position now where I can play certain roles and when I get older, I won\'t be able to. So, I don\'t have a strategy of trying to grow up too quick, I just want to kind of look at everything.
I'm in a position now where I can play certain roles and when I get older, I won't be able to. So, I don't have a strategy of trying to grow up too quick, I just want to kind of look at everything.
 Tom Welling
Does history repeat itself, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce? No, that's too grand, too considered a process. History just burps, and we taste again that raw-onion sandwich it swallowed centuries ago.
 Julian Barnes
We were also fortunate enough to engage in our service a Canadian Frenchmen, who had been with the Chayenne Indians on the Black mountains, and last summer descended thence by the Little Missouri.
 Meriwether Lewis
When you're growing up your mother says, "Wear rubbers or you'll catch cold." When you become an adult you discover that you have the right not to wear rubbers and to see if you catch cold or not. It's something like that.
 Diane Arbus
It's important to be able to keep things fresh, no matter what age you are, or how many years you've been in the industry.
 Samantha Barks
Good heredity and environment are necessary. You cannot compare the child of a savage with the child of a civilized person.
To think to keep things as they are, is to let them move unpredictably, since nothing but death will still the beat of the heart or keep the universe from its perpetual motion.
 Freya Stark
Why do we laugh at such terrible things? Because comedy is often the sarcastic realization of inescapable tragedy.
My mother had no end of tragedy in her life. She would make herself get up and take a deep breath and go out and do laundry. Hang up sheets.
A mother is a mother all of your life,but a father is a father only when he has a wife.
A mother is a mother all of your life,but a father is a father only when he has a wife.
 Leah Ward Sears
I was walking an average of about two and a half miles a day, which is still more than most Americans. Most Americans don't even walk that.
 Morgan Spurlock
The Kyoto Protocol is a death pact, however strange it may sound, because its main aim is to strangle economic growth and economic activity in countries that accept the protocol's requirements.
 Andrey Illarionov
I am certain, from experience, of the immense advantage of strict account-keeping in early life. It is just like learning the grammar then, which when once learned need not be referred to afterwards.
 William E. Gladstone
There were very few women comics when I started out doing stand-up. But I always saw that as a great advantage.
 Carol Leifer
We are all mediums for our own basic truths. All we really have in life is the primal force that moves us through our days – our unvarnished, untutored, ever-present, inborn agency.
 A.S.A. Harrison
Happy birthday! Hope your 50s will be as awesome as your 40s.
 Richard Griffiths
Strife, only a slight thing when she first rears her head but her head soon hits the sky as she strides across the earth.
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.
How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive.
How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive.
I personally cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process [IPCC process] that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound.
 Christopher Landsea