Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 158

The actions of a human being, even of fifteen months of age, may not be without significance to a sympathetic eye.
The actions of a human being, even of fifteen months of age, may not be without significance to a sympathetic eye.
 Dorothy Canfield Fisher
We have never really had absolute privacy with our records or our electronic communications - government agencies have always been able to gain access with appropriate court orders.
 Dorothy E. Denning
I haven't invented anything earth-shattering. If I could be said to have one noteworthy ability compared with the average person, it's that I have a keen interest in reading the direction and timing of paradigm shifts.
 Masayoshi Son
Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.
I wasn't paying enough attention to what my heart was telling me. When I paid attention and got the message, I could move forward and heal.
 Tom Shadyac
Acceptance is the word we must substitute for dependence in dealing with the aged. Their acceptance of help, ours of their need.
 Maureen Howard
So long as I am acting from duty and conviction, I am indifferent to taunts and jeers. I think they will probably do me more good than harm.
Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.
The '80s were about trying to establish myself as an actor with a career. And being a teenager enjoying the fruits of being successful with lots of what I think is appropriate for that age.
 Rob Lowe
Self-pity is an acid which eats holes in happiness.
Self-pity is an acid which eats holes in happiness.
 Earl Nightingale
I paint a mountain - I think of its age - the strata formations or what grows on the mountain.
 Douglas Lockwood
With languages, you can move from one social situation to another. With languages, you are at home anywhere.
 Edmund de Waal
The mouth can be better engaged than with a cylinder of rank weed.
 James Joyce
Maturity is the ability to do a job whether you're supervised or not; finish a job once it's started; carry money without spending it; and the ability to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.
 Abigail Van Buren
... everyone young going down the long slide To happiness, endlessly.
 Philip Larkin
“A warrior seeks to act rather than talk.”
Every truth passes through 3 stages before it is recognized 1)ridicule 2) opposition 3) accepted as self-evident.
We tried not to age, but time had its rage.
From an early age I was told that I was expected to do more than continue to run a small business. Education was important and seen as a way of moving forward.
From an early age I was told that I was expected to do more than continue to run a small business. Education was important and seen as a way of moving forward.
 John Pople
I've never been more in love with anyone nearly half my age than I am today. I'd get married in a minute if I weren't still married to somebody else.
 Rod Stewart