Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 144

The combative instinct is a savage prompting by which one man\'s good is found in another\'s evil.
The combative instinct is a savage prompting by which one man's good is found in another's evil.
Ask courageous questions. Do not be satisfied with superficial answers.
A new question for the psychotherapist to ask is whether a theory can go beyond mere effectiveness in achieving either a so-called cure or even personal growth into its implications for the nature of an evolving society.
 Erving Polster
You get to a certain age and it really occurs to you: "My mother and my father will not always be here. My spouse or my girlfriend or boyfriend are here right now, but someday they won't be." You realize that you need to like yourself.
 Angel Olsen
Jump blind and you might find yourself on the rim of a raging volcano, or smack in the middle of a battlefield during a savage war, or on a swiftly tilting ice floe in a tempest-tossed sea.
 Stephen R. Lawhead
In general, you don't want to move your kids when they're teenagers. They're not going to be happy with you.
 Jeremy Sisto
We have the ability to become far more powerful and happy and healthy than we ever dreamed possible. At any age.
 Christiane Northrup
An advantage could consist not only in a single important advantage but also in a multitude of insignificant advantages.
 Emanuel Lasker
The ideal of morality has no more dangerous rival than the ideal of highest strength, of most powerful life. It is the maximum of the savage.
I\'ve seen villages in South America with no police whatever. Then the cops would arrive, then the sanitary inspectors, and before you know it they\'ve got all the problems - crime, juvenile delinquency, the whole works - just like us.
I've seen villages in South America with no police whatever. Then the cops would arrive, then the sanitary inspectors, and before you know it they've got all the problems - crime, juvenile delinquency, the whole works - just like us.
Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success
The striking thing about America is - it's historically, extraordinary unusual, I don't of any other instance - is that productivity of workers and wages have not moved in tandem.
 Joseph Stiglitz
The British hamburger thus symbolised, with savage neatness, the country's failure to provide its ordinary people with food which did anything more for them than sustain life.
 Clive James
Only in North America is it regarded as a major achievement to speak one language moderately well.
 Dick Pound
Some friendships are formed by a commonality of interests and ideas: you both love judo or camping or making your own sausage. Other friendships are forged in alliance against a common enemy.
 David Sedaris
Hunting was the labour of the savages of North America, but the amusement of the gentlemen of England.
Ted Cruz is tailored his message for a specific conservative evangelical. I think it's limited his appeal. I think he has the ability to appeal to everybody.
As a result, the highly civilized man can endure incomparably more than the savage, whether of moral or physical strain. Being better able to control himself under all circumstances, he has a great advantage over the savage.
 Lafcadio Hearn
To begin with, I don\'t have any stage fright
To begin with, I don't have any stage fright
 Ednita Nazario
Because of their low earnings and family obligations, Latinas would not be putting much money into private investment accounts. An average Latina could wind up losing thousands of dollars under this proposal.
 Grace Napolitano