Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 131

Once the \'what\' is decided, the \'how\' always follows. We must not make the \'how\' an excuse for not facing and accepting the \'what.\'
Once the 'what' is decided, the 'how' always follows. We must not make the 'how' an excuse for not facing and accepting the 'what.'
 Pearl S. Buck
The most important message of a crucifix, to me anyway, was how unspeakably cruel supposedly sane human beings can be when under orders from a superior authority.
Personally, it's not my thing, and I don't love it. But I have a soft spot for it now. Who knows? Maybe the lavash market will explode after this movie [Sausage Party]. Lavash will become an everyday thing for people.
 David Krumholtz
If you eat caviar every day it's difficult to return to sausages.
 Arsene Wenger
On this waterlogged landscape....are scattered palaces and hovels....It is here that the human spirit becomes perfect, and at the same time brutalised, that civilisation produces its marvels and that civilised man returns to the savage.
There are ages in which the rational man and the intuitive man stand side by side, the one in fear of intuition, the other with scorn for abstraction. The latter is just as irrational as the former is inartistic.
What better motivation is there to get in better shape than imagining your thighs exposed, watusyin' and a shimmyin' all over the stage.
 Erica Schroeder
The Messianic era is the present age, which began to germinate with the teachings of Spinoza, and finally came into historical existence with the great French Revolution.
 Moses Hess
Corporations [gained] direct access to what we may think of as our humanity, emotions, and agency but, in this context, are really just buttons.
 Douglas Rushkoff
The problems of rebellious youth can be traced to homes where the mother disobeyed the father or showed lack of respect for his authority.
The problems of rebellious youth can be traced to homes where the mother disobeyed the father or showed lack of respect for his authority.
 Helen Andelin
One will seldom go wrong if one attributes extreme actions to vanity, average ones to habit, and pretty ones to fear.
I accept myself completely here and now and consciously experience everything I feel, think, say and do (including my emotion backed addictions) as a necessary part of my growth into higher consciousness.
 Ken Keyes Jr.
There was an age, however, when the transition from savagery to civilization, with all its impressive outward manifestations in art and architecture, took place for the first time.
 James Henry Breasted
What then is the intellectual advantage of civilization over primitive savagery? It is not necessarily that each civilized man has more knowledge but that he requires far less.
When I was growing up in the 1930s and '40s anti-Semitism was rampant. It wasn't like Nazi Germany but it was pretty serious - it was part of life.
I don't think that it's appropriate for the government to say, in effect, we're going to slow down the growth of housing or that we're going to slow down the extension of the highway and the freeway system.
 George Deukmejian
As you age naturally, your family shows more and more on your face. If you deny that, you deny your heritage.
 Frances Conroy
Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that Humour excites in those who lack it.
 George Saintsbury
The price paid for intellectual pacification is the sacrifice of the entire moral courage of the human mind.
The price paid for intellectual pacification is the sacrifice of the entire moral courage of the human mind.
The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.
 Shakti Gawain