Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 121

No talent in management is worth more than the ability to master facts-not just any facts, but the ones that provide the best answers.
No talent in management is worth more than the ability to master facts-not just any facts, but the ones that provide the best answers.
 Robert Heller
The national policy of promoting abstinence-only programs is a $1.5 billion failure and teenage girls are paying the real price.
 Cecile Richards
No atomic physicist has to worry, people will always want to kill other people on a mass scale. Sure, he's got the fridge full of sausages and spring water.
When you grow up", I said, "do you ever stop feeling little and weak?" "No," she says. "There's always a little frail and tiny thing inside, no matter how grown-up you are.
 David Almond
The most dangerous savages live in cities.
 Austin O'Malley
You win pennants in the off season when you build your teams with trades and free agents.
 Earl Weaver
Alone we are savages, together we are civilization
 Ashok K. Banker
Everyone knew there were wolves in the mountains, but they seldom came near the village-the modern wolves were the offspring of ancestors that had survived because they had learned that human meat had sharp edges.
All women are strong. My mother survived Auschwitz, and fear wasn't an option when we were growing up. If we were afraid of the dark, we were put into the closet until we weren't.
 Diane von Furstenberg
We live in our language like blind men walking on the edge of an abyss. This language is laden with future catastrophes. The day will come when it will turn against those who speak it.
We live in our language like blind men walking on the edge of an abyss. This language is laden with future catastrophes. The day will come when it will turn against those who speak it.
 Gershom Scholem
Growing up in the 70s and 80s, it took effort to be a nerd. You had to seek out the nerd stuff.
 Chris Hardwick
... we cannot rule out the possibility that the changes of recent decades are part of a natural rebound from the 'Little Ice Age' that followed the medieval warm period and ended in the 19th century.
 Steven F. Hayward
In the particular presence of memorable language we can find a reminder of our ability to know and retain knowledge itself: the brightness wherein all things come to see.
 Robert Pinsky
George Washington said, "All I am, I owe to my mother." That's so true. My mom pushed me to get in politics. She pushed me to learn a bunch of languages. She pushed me and inspired me. She is the reason why I'm in politics.
 Andrea Tantaros
Growing up with three brothers and three sisters, I was the storyteller of the family... what my mother called 'The Liar.'
 James Rollins
Our ability to effectively engage China and the Arab world rests on shared economic and political interests and mutual understanding.
 Rick Larsen
Abstraction is an esoteric language.
 Eric Fischl
Language must resound with all the harmonies of music. The writer must always, at all times, find the tremulous word which captures the thing and is able to draw a sob from my soul by its very rightness.
 Knut Hamsun
Well, with the French language, which I understood and spoke, however imperfectly, and read in great quantities, at certain times, the matter I suppose was slightly different from either Latin or Greek.
Well, with the French language, which I understood and spoke, however imperfectly, and read in great quantities, at certain times, the matter I suppose was slightly different from either Latin or Greek.
 Robert Fitzgerald
Coming into the business, you'd pass through these little agencies until you got to understand what was happening in the business, unless you were really able to have a style strong enough to go directly to the publishers.
 Gil Kane