Inspiring Growing Up Quotes for Every Stage of Life - page 120

My first notebook was a Big Five tablet, given to me [at age five] by my mother with the sensible suggestion that I stop whining and learn to amuse myself by writing down my thoughts.
My first notebook was a Big Five tablet, given to me [at age five] by my mother with the sensible suggestion that I stop whining and learn to amuse myself by writing down my thoughts.
 Joan Didion
Social service that savours of patronage is not service.
The tragedy of machismo is that a man is never quite man enough.
 Germaine Greer
I've gone through the village of my songwriting and my artistry, and I've gone through lots of different phases, including one where it has been very quiet and abandoned me for a few years.
 Carly Simon
The journalist, whose main duty is speed, is likely sometimes to get an advantage over the diplomatist whose main object is accuracy.
 George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
Long before morning I knew that what I was seeking to discover was a thing I'd always known. That all courage was a form of constancy. That it is always himself that the coward abandoned first. After this all other betrayals come easily.
At war with savages and idiots. To be a Frenchman abroad is to be miserable; to be an American abroad is to make others miserable.
My first instrument was an accordion. Growing up in Louisiana, my grandmother gave me an accordion because of our Cajun heritage.
 Hunter Hayes
Acting is a different discipline. On stage I'm free to say what I please. But the change is very good for ya.
 Billy Connolly
The key to growth is to learn to make promises and to keep them.
The key to growth is to learn to make promises and to keep them.
I work for posterity, these things requiring ages for their accomplishment.
I've probably saved thousands of peoples' lives with my educational message on snake bites, how to get in around venomous anything.
 Steve Irwin
You are free to love without an agenda
 William P. Young
We live in an age of universal investigation, and of exploration of the sources of all movements.
 Alfred de Vigny
We all saw it coming. Arsenal's youth policy has always been very good.
 Roy Hodgson
The conversion of a savage to Christianity is the conversion of Christianity to savagery.
I enjoyed acting growing up; I did musical theater. I had a secret desire to be a television and movie actress, but it wasn't something I admitted to myself that I wanted to do, I guess.
 Amanda Schull
Beneath the dingy uniformity of international fashions in dress, man remains what he has always been; a splendid fighting animal, a self-sacrificing hero, and a blood thirsty savage.
 William Ralph Inge
Musical theatre goes through cycles. I came in when it was at the absolute height of musical theatre as I remember it. It was the age of the long-runners.
Musical theatre goes through cycles. I came in when it was at the absolute height of musical theatre as I remember it. It was the age of the long-runners.
 Ruthie Henshall
Strong as it looks at the outset, State-agency perpetually disappoints every one. Puny as are its first stages, private efforts daily achieve results that astound the world.
 Herbert Spencer