Greatness quotes - page 52

Whatever good things we build end up building us.
Whatever good things we build end up building us.
The most important thing is that you honor that musical integrity, whether you make music that sounds like ABBA or you make music that sounds like Void.
 Dave Grohl
Therefore let men withdraw themselves from errors; and laying aside corrupt superstitions, let them acknowledge their Father and Lord, whose excellence cannot be estimated, nor His greatness perceived, nor His beginning comprehended.
You can't define the ache that's in George's voice. It's just something inherently him. It doesn't need definition. It doesn't need clarification. It doesn't need a lot of things. You just sit back and appreciate it. It's just greatness.
 Vince Gill
Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
 Edwin Hubbel Chapin
We should honor the Savior's declaration to "be of good cheer." (Matthew 14:27) Indeed, it seems to me we may be more guilty of breaking that commandment than almost any other!
 Jeffrey R. Holland
All mothers go through the exact same things.
 Angie Harmon
I am honored to be able to serve GM at this critical juncture and take part in its reinvention.
 Edward Whitacre, Jr.
The degree to which you will awaken is in direct proportion to the amount of truth you are willing to accept about yourself.
 Robert Anthony
Spring seems far off, impossible, but it is coming. Already there is dusk instead of darkness at five in the afternoon; already hope is stirring at the edges of the day.
Spring seems far off, impossible, but it is coming. Already there is dusk instead of darkness at five in the afternoon; already hope is stirring at the edges of the day.
 Kathleen Norris
Mentally it is possible to break records, once you understand that, you can do anything.
Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from.
The secret of success is to make your mind work for you - not against you. This means constantly being positive, constantly setting up challenges you can meet - either today, next week, or next month etc.
You don't have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you.
Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.
 Coretta Scott King
Nicole will come up in conversations where it's in a part of the conversation. Or we may be somewhere and I would tell some story about their mother and I. You know, we always honor her birthday.
 O. J. Simpson
My mom is the greatest mom in the whole wide world. She's done everything for me to make my dreams come true.
 Josh Hutcherson
We will try to honor David Letterman achievement by doing the best show we can.And occasionally making the network very mad at us.
Beware of monotony; it\'s the mother of all the deadly sins.
Beware of monotony; it's the mother of all the deadly sins.
 Edith Wharton
I honor, we honor the service of John McCain, and I respect his many accomplishments, even if he chooses to deny mine. My differences with him are not personal; they are with the policies he has proposed in this campaign.