Greatness quotes - page 49

The intention of this way of life [voluntary simplicity] is not to dogmatically live with less. It\'s a more demanding intention of living with balance. This is a middle way that moves between the extremes of poverty and indulgence.
The intention of this way of life [voluntary simplicity] is not to dogmatically live with less. It's a more demanding intention of living with balance. This is a middle way that moves between the extremes of poverty and indulgence.
 Duane Elgin
The films I've made for children have been my hardest work, my best, because kids deserve the best.
 Emma Thompson
Normal people can be happy with a regular life, but there is more to life than just plodding through an average existence.
Believe in yourself and you can achieve greatness in your life.
 Judy Blume
Here was the greatest and most moving chapter in American history, a blending of meanness and greatness, an ending and a beginning. It came out of what men were, but it did not go as men had planned.
 Bruce Catton
He is truly great that is great in charity. He is truly great that is little in himself, and maketh no account of any height of honor. And he is truly learned that doeth the will of God, and forsaketh his own will.
 Thomas a Kempis
You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.
See simplicity in the complicated. Achieve greatness in little things
I was a gift to my mother. She was a remarkable person. God or nature, or whatever those forces are, smiled on her, then passed me the best of her.
 Sidney Poitier
The greatness of work is inside man.
The greatness of work is inside man.
The only condition a library asks its users to honor is to do justice to their own imagination, their own curiosity and their own thirst for knowledge, and in the process, to achieve their own independence of mind and spirit.
 Vartan Gregorian
The vanquished know war. They see through the empty jingoism of those who use the abstract words of glory, honor, and patriotism to mask the cries of the wounded, the senseless killing, war profiteering, and chest-pounding grief.
 Chris Hedges
The person is a poor judge who by an action can be disgraced more in failing than they can be honored in succeeding.
A man with money is no match against a man on a mission.
 Doyle Brunson
The ability to defend yourself is a basic necessity like food and water. We exempt food and water from the sales tax.
 Matt Shea
The tourist who moves about to see and hear and open himself to all the influences of the places which condense centuries of human greatness is only a man in search of excellence.
 Max Lerner
Obviously Victoria and Mel B have become mothers and there is a part of me that wants to be a mum.
 Geri Halliwell
Every great man is always being helped by everybody, for his gift is to get good out of all things and all persons.
Part of the appeal of the fantastic is taking ridiculous ideas very seriously and pretending they\'re not absurd.
Part of the appeal of the fantastic is taking ridiculous ideas very seriously and pretending they're not absurd.
 China Mieville
I don't try to guess what a million people will like. It's hard enough to know what I like.
 John Huston