Gratefulness quotes - page 25

I am blessed to live and work in [France,] a country where women filmmakers are by and large not unfairly treated. So I wouldn\'t have much to contribute regarding issues faced as a female director.
I am blessed to live and work in [France,] a country where women filmmakers are by and large not unfairly treated. So I wouldn't have much to contribute regarding issues faced as a female director.
 Anne Fontaine
Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world, the mottos of which are: 'To take is more blessed than to give'; 'buy cheap and sell dear'; 'one soiled hand washes the other.
Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles.
Christianity is within a man, even as he is gifted with reason; it is associated with your mother's chair, and with the first remembered, tones of her blessed voice.
Praise is the only gift for which people are really grateful.
 Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
When gratitude o'erflows the swelling heart, and breathes in free and uncorrupted praise for benefits received, propitious heaven takes such acknowledgment as fragrant incense, and doubles all its blessings.
 George Lillo
Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.
Our planet is blessed with vast natural treasures. If we use them wisely, beginning with the elimination of militarism and war, every human being will be able to live a healthy, prosperous existence.
For 86 years I have served Jesus Christ and he has never abandoned me. How could I curse my blessed king and savior?
A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person\'s life.
A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person's life.
 Andy Andrews
Which is why I felt I was truly blessed this year, with leads in two nice films, and also the luxury of being able to do a studio film and an independent afterwards was fantastic.
 Rachel True
My family has been amazing, and they understand how blessed I am. They've been able to keep my sense of humor.
 Karen Duffy
My hometown is extremely supportive of me and I feel blessed to be able to create something as a way of giving back; to say thank you.
 Carrie Underwood
Take it from a director: if you get an actor that Sandy Meisner has trained, you've been blessed.
 Elia Kazan
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.
 William Faulkner
Only a stomach that rarely feels hungry scorns common things.
We're so grateful that we're able to provide this opportunity for our current and past graduates.
 David Branch
For the great benefits of our being- our life, health, and reason-we look upon ourselves.
 Seneca the Elder
Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who goes and falls at the Feet of the True Guru. Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who with his mouth, utters the Name of the Lord.
Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who goes and falls at the Feet of the True Guru. Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who with his mouth, utters the Name of the Lord.
 Guru Gobind Singh
A thousand pieces of gold may hardly bring a moment's happiness, but a small favor can cause a lifetime's gratitude. Too much love can turn to enmity, while aloofness can produce joy.
 Zicheng Hong