Gratefulness quotes - page 20

I feel like I\'ve been blessed with some athletic ability and I\'d like to take advantage of it.
I feel like I've been blessed with some athletic ability and I'd like to take advantage of it.
 Matt Holliday
I've been blessed with plenty of ability. It's just not as easily noticed as some guys.
 Brian Roberts
The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy.
I suppose we must work on being gracious and grateful until we can do for ourselves. Someday the wheel of fate will put us in a position to be of use to them, and we will remember how much easier it is to give help than it is to accept it.
 Patricia Briggs
I feel blessed that I managed to fight 46 fights undefeated, that I was a world champion for 11 years, one of the longest reigning champions of all time and I like to think that I come out looking pretty good.
 Joe Calzaghe
A pause while my mother made high-pitched sisterly devotions of gratitude.
 Maureen Johnson
I'm fortunate in being able to find great satisfaction in my work.
 Phillip Lopate
I have always been grateful that my Russian mother and father came to this country to give me a better chance, and I have had a better chance.
 Kirk Douglas
When you focus on what you have, your ABUNDANCE increases. I started with my breath. Noticing being alive is a good start!
Everything we have comes from (God\'s) hands; even if we worked for it or earned it, He still gave us the ability and the opportunity to do it.
Everything we have comes from (God's) hands; even if we worked for it or earned it, He still gave us the ability and the opportunity to do it.
The first step toward discarding a scarcity mentality involves giving thanks for everything that you have.
Take nothing for granted. Not one blessed, cool mountain day or one hellish, desert day or one sweaty, stinky, hiking companion. It is all a gift.
 Cindy Ross
Whatever you focus upon, increases......When you focus on the things you need, you'll find those needs increasing......A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person's life.
 Andy Andrews
Until we have a passionate love for our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament we shall accomplish nothing.
 Saint Peter
I have a fine level of recognition in the business and among the acting community now, so I consider myself one of the lucky ones. If I didn't think that, there would be something wrong with me. I'm grateful and thankful for what I've got.
 Philip Seymour Hoffman
I grew up in San Francisco. My parents were not hippies; they were writers. They were very active politically, but on the intellectual side, not on the "taking drugs in a field and listening to the Grateful Dead" side.
 Winona Ryder
The word 'silly' derives from the Greek 'selig' meaning 'blessed.' There is something sacred in being able to be silly.
 Paul Pearsall
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.
And now, my friends, a dragon\'s toast! Here\'s to life\'s little blessings: war, plagues, and all forms of evil. Their presence keeps us alert--- and their absence keeps us grateful.
And now, my friends, a dragon's toast! Here's to life's little blessings: war, plagues, and all forms of evil. Their presence keeps us alert--- and their absence keeps us grateful.
 T.A. Barron
Bankers are lynxes. To expect any gratitude from them is equivalent to attempting to move the wolves of the Ukraine to pity in the middle of winter.