Gratefulness quotes - page 19

My library card. Every hurdle I\'ve faced, I have researched my way over at a library. I\'m grateful for that part of the American spirit that believes every citizen should have access to books.
My library card. Every hurdle I've faced, I have researched my way over at a library. I'm grateful for that part of the American spirit that believes every citizen should have access to books.
 Sarah Bird
For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.
One can never pay in gratitude; one can only pay 'in kind' somewhere else in life.
 Anne Morrow Lindbergh
I've been a fortunate man in life, nothing has come easily.
I have been blessed in my career and I was able to afford the extra procedures and everything to have my children. Does that make me a better mother than someone who cannot afford it? No, of course not.
 Cindy Margolis
Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful. Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.
I've had a very good career and I'm grateful that the public has had some level of acceptance and appreciation of my work.
 Ben Stiller
Although, okay, in Scotland, the boys wear the skirts. But as far as pop culture, women were on the forefront of the unisex movement and I'm grateful to you.
When we numb [hard feelings], we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness.
 Brené Brown
I\'m so blessed to have such enlightened parents. It must have been very hard to watch their able-bodied son lock himself up in his old room for most of his 20s.
I'm so blessed to have such enlightened parents. It must have been very hard to watch their able-bodied son lock himself up in his old room for most of his 20s.
 A. Scott Berg
Pray for and work for fullness of life above every thing; full red blood in the body; full honesty and truth in the mind; and the fullness of a grateful love for the Saviour in your heart.
 Phillips Brooks
Blessed the one who loves truth continually and has not lent his mouth as an instrument of impiety by lying, for he fears the commandment about idle speech.
 Ephrem the Syrian
My mother encouraged me and was very great about me being gay, but she always encouraged me to follow my musical dreams, which I'm very grateful for.
 Elton John
I am very true to the proud tradition of the old school wrestling that I was brought up on. I am very blessed to be able to live out my dreams, and I have a great respect for the business.
 Paul Bearer
I was very fortunate to be able to represent an icon to many African Americans.
I was only glad to be saved and never once thought to ask why.
 Jennifer Donnelly
The fastidious are unfortunate: nothing can satisfy them. [Lat., Les delicats sont malheureux, Rien ne saurait les satisfaire.]
 Jean de La Fontaine
When we live in the spirit of gratitude, there will be much happiness in our life. The one who is grateful is the one who has much happiness while the one who is ungrateful will not be able to have happiness.
The beat literary movement is strong because of those very challenging and individual relationships and styles and contention and so on. So I just feel blessed by this kind of opportunity that came from it. It was a kind of seed.
The beat literary movement is strong because of those very challenging and individual relationships and styles and contention and so on. So I just feel blessed by this kind of opportunity that came from it. It was a kind of seed.
 Anne Waldman
Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation. [However disappointment can always be removed if we remember it could have turned out worse.]