Inspiring Good Habits Quotes to Live a Fulfilling Life - page 9

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.
O Heavenly Father, convert my religion from a name to a principle! Bring all my thoughts and movements into an habitual reference to Thee!
 Thomas Chalmers
I probably have mellowed down a bit. But when it comes to principles, I still have to make a stand.
 Gordon Wu
I started with shoes, and with hard work and discipline, the business prospered. I moved to the department store business and again, things went well.
 Henry Sy
It has been always held for a special principle in friendship that prosperity provideth but adversity proveth friends.
 Elizabeth I
Surely the principles of Christianity lead to action as well as meditation.
 William Pitt
Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.
The beatings, the beatings were so normal to me. The abuse was just routine. I didn't wake up the next day and say, 'Dre, why did you hit me?' We never talked about it the next day. Never.
The American people know what's necessary to get this economy moving again. It's fiscal discipline in Washington, D.C. and across-the-board tax relief for working families, small businesses and family farms.
So, what I say to people is that politics has got to be about principle and values above all. Of course, there are times when you have to make accommodations.
So, what I say to people is that politics has got to be about principle and values above all. Of course, there are times when you have to make accommodations.
 Chris Patten
I have Glocks, .45s, Berettas, Remingtons. I like the marksmanship and the discipline that it takes to be a gun owner. I like the machinery. Being able to take it out and clean it is even more fascinating than having the gun.
 Bernie Mac
That's gotta be one of the principles behind reality. Accepting things that are hard to comprehend, and leaving them that way.
For an infrequent action to become a habit, the user must perceive a high degree of utility, either from gaining pleasure or avoiding pain.
 Nir Eyal
To be a fully functioning moral agent, one cannot passively accept moral principles handed down by fiat. Moral principles require moral reasoning.
 Michael Shermer
We want to infuse our day with good habits so that we can turn seemingly mundane situations into a ceremony of goodness.
 Sakyong Mipham
A single legislature, on account of the superabundance of its power, and the uncontrolled rabidity of its execution, becomes as dangerous to the principles of liberty as that of a despotic monarch.
Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits. In Britain, the road [to democratic government] took seven centuries to traverse.
 Jeane Kirkpatrick
Psychological studies reveal that 95 percent of everything we feel, think, and achieve is a result of a learned habit!
 Darren Hardy
To me success would be to be able to do your very best in everything you do.
To me success would be to be able to do your very best in everything you do.
 Paul Cummings
Learn to convert the discomfort of discipline into the satisfaction of personal growth.