Good generalship is a ...

Good generalship is a realization that... you've got to try and figure out how to accomplish your mission with a minimum loss of human life.
 Norman Schwarzkopf

Quotes from the same author

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.
 Norman Schwarzkopf
A professional soldier understands that war means killing people, war means maiming people, war means families left without fathers and mothers.
 Norman Schwarzkopf
In a recent interview, General Norman Schwartzkof was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harboured and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. His answer..."I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting.
 Norman Schwarzkopf
You can't help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself.
 Norman Schwarzkopf
How do you fight someone who doesn't care if they get killed? You accommodate them.
 Norman Schwarzkopf