Inspirational Gigachad Quotes to Boost Your Confidence - page 14

Imagine how free we would feel and what we could accomplish if we could live without fear.
Imagine how free we would feel and what we could accomplish if we could live without fear.
 Susan L. Taylor
There is far more opportunity than there is ability.
I pray they will carry on in spite of that dreadful monster prejudice, and with patience, courage, fortitude and perseverance achieve success for themselves.
 Major Taylor
Let no one say that taking action is hard. Action is aided by courage, by the moment, by impulse, and the hardest thing in the world is making a decision.
 Franz Grillparzer
Never be frightened! Be fearless! There is no room for fear. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is adharma and fear is disloyalty. All delusions emanate from this evil called fear.
When human power becomes so great and original that we can account for it only as a kind of divine imagination, we call it genius
 William Crashaw
I believe that we are stewards of a time that is upon us - but often we need the encouragement of each other to be able to wake up to this extraordinary time and possibility.
 Jean Houston
I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.
[I] read Anne Frank's diary [while imprisoned] on Robben Island and derived much encouragement from it.
Courage comes from acting courageously on a day-to-day basis.
Courage comes from acting courageously on a day-to-day basis.
Doubt everything [...]. Doubt everything at least once. What you decide to keep, you'll be able to be confident of. And what you decide to ditch, you will replace with what your instincts tell you is true.
 Amy Plum
“I am a warrior not because I always win but because I will always fight.”
 Warrior Quotes
I first bought a Buffy Sainte-Marie record when I was 12, and her music has always remained with me. In the 1960s, as a political activist, Buffy's lyrics were fearless, and I'm very grateful for all the risks that she took.
 Steven Morrissey
Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the absence of self.
 Erwin McManus
You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you.
 Paramahansa Yogananda
Courage isn't absenct of fear, it is the awareness that something else is important
False encouragement is a kind of theft: it steals time, energy, and motivation a person could put toward some other purpose.
“Cowards shrink from challenges, weaklings flee from them, but warriors wink at them.”
 Matshona Dhliwayo
I\'ve been through it all, baby, I\'m mother courage.
I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage.
 Elizabeth Taylor
The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
 Richard Brinsley Sheridan