Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 79

Though we are politically free, we are hardly free from the subtle domination of the West.
Though we are politically free, we are hardly free from the subtle domination of the West.
Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be
Liberty, then, about which so many volumes have been written is, when accurately defined, only the power of acting.
Freedom is the basic condition for you to touch life, to touch the blue sky, the trees, the birds, the tea, and the other person.
Such being the happiness of the times, that you may think as you wish, and speak as you think.
Freedom of speech is the great bulwark of liberty; they prosper and die together: And it is the terror of traitors and oppressors, and a barrier against them. It produces excellent writers, and encourages men of fine genius.
There is no thought or situation that you can't put up against inquiry. Every thought, every person, every apparent problem is here for the sake of your freedom.
 Byron Katie
Man has lost the basic skill of the ape, the ability to scratch its back. Which gave it extraordinary independence, and the liberty to associate for reasons other than the need for mutual back-scratching.
 Jean Baudrillard
Spirit borrows from matter the perceptions on which it feeds and restores them to matter in the form of movements which it has stamped with its own freedom.
 Henri Bergson
O how sweet it is to enjoy life, Living in honesty and strength! And wisdom is sweet, And freedom.
O how sweet it is to enjoy life, Living in honesty and strength! And wisdom is sweet, And freedom.
Facts, like people, want to be free - and when they're free, liberty is usually around the corner.
It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting.
 Tom Stoppard
If God exists, how can we lay claim to freedom, since He is its beginning and its end?
You have freedom when you're easy in your harness.
Knowing yourself as the awareness behind the voice is freedom.
For a man to act himself, he must be perfectly free; otherwise he is in danger of losing all sense of responsibility or of self- respect.
Nothing has been purchased more dearly than the little bit of reason and sense of freedom which now constitutes our pride.
Economic freedom is ... an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom.
The spirit of democracy cannot be superimposed from the outside. It must come from within.
The spirit of democracy cannot be superimposed from the outside. It must come from within.
The spirit of liberty is the spirit that is not quite sure it is right.
 Learned Hand