Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 62

Slow are the steps of freedom, but her feet turn never backward.
Slow are the steps of freedom, but her feet turn never backward.
 James Russell Lowell
Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.
People have the right to call themselves whatever they like. That doesn't bother me. It's other people doing the calling that bothers me.
 Octavia Butler
The object and practice of liberty lies in the limitation of government power.
 Douglas MacArthur
Man's right to know, to learn, to inquire, to make bona fide errors, to investigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe, if the word "freedom" should ever be more than an empty political slogan.
 Wilhelm Reich
Where there is a great deal of free speech there is always a certain amount of foolish speech.
It is a free market that makes monopolies impossible.
Abe Lincoln died because he stood for liberty and truth.
 Don Cornell
I defend both the freedom of expression and society's right to counter it. I must pay the price for differing. It is the natural way of things.
 Naguib Mahfouz
If we don\'t believe in free expression for people we despise, we don\'t believe in it at all.
If we don't believe in free expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.
What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independence? It is not...the guns of our war steamers, or the strength of our gallant and disciplined army...our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms...
The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.
Fish love the ocean. Snakes move like earth-fish inside a mountain,well away from seawater. Certain sunfish,though,turn snakes into ocean lovers.
I have never cared very much for personal prizes. A person does not become a freedom fighter in the hope of winning awards.
Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.
The kind of values for which I was supposed to kill, such as democracy and national independence, were better served, I thought, through non-violent action.
 Torbjorn Tannsjo
I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute Freedom and Wildness, as contrasted with a Freedom and Culture merely civil, - to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society.
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
The most important aspect of freedom of speech is freedom to learn. All education is a continuous dialogue - questions and answers that pursue every problem on the horizon. That is the essence of academic freedom.
The most important aspect of freedom of speech is freedom to learn. All education is a continuous dialogue - questions and answers that pursue every problem on the horizon. That is the essence of academic freedom.
 William O. Douglas
Better the rule of One, whom all obey, than to let clamorous demagogues betray our freedom with the kiss of anarchy.