Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 47

Liberty is the great parent of science and of virtue; and a nation will be great in both in proportion as it is free.
Liberty is the great parent of science and of virtue; and a nation will be great in both in proportion as it is free.
The greatest task of democracy, its ritual and feast - is choice.
Bondage is - subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes.
 W. Clement Stone
Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience. I don't believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others.
 Coretta Scott King
I think that as the guardian of justice elected by the people it's our duty to use whatever forms of force, police, army, to make sure that at least the freedom of choice is preserved.
 Pierre Trudeau
Journalists were killed because they defended freedom. Policemen were killed because they were protecting you. Jews were killed because they were Jewish.
 Manuel Valls
Democracy is constructed like an edifice, freedom by freedom, right by right, until it reaches its snapping point.
 Abdoulaye Wade
Freedom is the supreme good; freedom from self imposed limitation.
I am absolutely convinced, you never have to give up any of your freedoms in order to be secure.
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?
The best way to be more free is to grant more freedom to others.
 Carlo Dossi
Socialism in Russia has not brought about an improvement in the conditions of the average man which can be compared with the improvement of conditions, during the same period, in the United States.
Freedom is the direction of history, because freedom is the permanent hope of humanity.
Independence of my conception means nothing less than the realization of the "Kingdom of God" within you and on this earth.
Freedom is independence of the compulsory will of another, and in so far as it tends to exist with the freedom of all according to a universal law, it is the one sole original inborn right belonging to every man in virtue of his humanity.
 Immanuel Kant
A free man can live on fish.Independence is better than meat
 Halldór Laxness
Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.
No man who knows aught, can be so stupid to deny that all men naturally were born free.
We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us!
We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us!
 Diane Frolov
Men want the same thing from their underwear that they want from women: a little bit of support, and a little bit of freedom.
 Jerry Seinfeld