Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 39

We have to call it \
We have to call it "freedom": who'd want to die for "a lesser tyranny
 Mignon McLaughlin
I do not think you can push public expenditure significantly above 60 per cent and maintain the values of a plural society with adequate freedom of choice. We are here close to one of the frontiers of social democracy.
 Roy Jenkins
Freedom is one of the principal goals of human endeavor, but the best use man can make of his freedom is to place limitations upon it.
 Edwin Conklin
A man is morally free when, in full possession of his living humanity, he judges the world, and judges other men, with uncompromising sincerity.
In Britain the power of authority was weakened. There was much more individual freedom and there was great academic freedom.
 Michael Craig-Martin
When you reduce what you need in life to the bare minimum, then that's when you achieve true freedom.
 Mark Boyle
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
Only an educated and informed people will be a free people.
Union is only possible to those who are units. To be fit for relations in time, souls, whether of man or woman, must be able to do without them in the spirit.
 Margaret Fuller
Five or six hundred heads cut off would have assured your repose, freedom and happiness.
Five or six hundred heads cut off would have assured your repose, freedom and happiness.
 Jean-Paul Marat
In a free society, one does not have to deal with those who are irrational. One is free to avoid them.
If you put a chain around the neck of a slave, the other end fastens itself around your own.
Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself.
Property is desirable as the ground work of moral independence, as a means of improving the faculties, and of doing good to others, and as the agent in all that distinguishes the civilized man from the savage.
 James F. Cooper
Freedom is not a gift of heaven, you have to fight for it every day
 Simon Wiesenthal
If liberty has any meaning it means freedom to improve.
 Philip Wylie
I show people the techniques for gaining knowledge, and this inspires them in their search for truth, freedom and happiness. I also try to show people that truth exists as much in this world as it does in any other world.
This country (United States) has too many freedoms.
 Howard Stern
Easier were it To hurl the rooted mountain from its base, Than force the yoke of slavery upon men Determin\'d to be free.
Easier were it To hurl the rooted mountain from its base, Than force the yoke of slavery upon men Determin'd to be free.
 Robert Southey
It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that'.
 Stephen Fry