Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 22

May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.
May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.
 Peter Marshall
There is no tyrant like custom, and no freedom where its edicts are not resisted.
 Christian Nestell Bovee
Man is free at the instant he wants to be.
Gain may be temporary and uncertain; but ever while you live, expense is constant and certain: and it is easier to build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel.
The freedom to make and admit mistakes is at the core of the scientific process. If we are asked to forswear error, or worse, to say that error means fraud, then we cannot function as scientists.
 Robert Pollack
What great interval is there between him who is caught in Africa and made a plantation slave of in the South, and him who is caught in New England and made a Unitarian minister of?
The people is always expressive of the truth. The life of a people cannot be a lie.
 Alexander Herzen
Democracy does not create strong ties between people. But it does make living together easier.
Popular liberty might then have escaped the indelible reproach of decreeing to the same citizens, the hemlock on one day, and statues on the next.
It\'s not the load that breaks you down, it\'s the way you carry it.
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.
 Lou Holtz
Freedom to many means immediate betterment, as if by magic. Unless I can meet at least some of these aspirations, my support will wane and my head will roll just as surely as the tickbird follows the rhino.
 Julius Nyerere
I needed to stop being what everyone thought I was.
 Sarah Addison Allen
But it takes a lot of money to live freely by the sea.
I believe in limited government and the right of the individual to make choices and in a strong national defense and in freedom and liberty as being the right of every person on the face of the Earth.
 Karl Rove
Don't ever forget that you're a citizen of this world, and there are things you can do to lift the human spirit, things that are easy, things that are free, things that you can do every day: civility, respect, kindness, character.
 Aaron Sorkin
Of all the superstitions that affect India, none is so great as that a knowledge of the English language is necessary for imbibing ideas of liberty and developing accuracy to thought.
The anchor in our world today is freedom, holding us steady in times of change, a symbol of hope to all the world.
 George H. W. Bush
Illuminated emancipation, freedom, unalloyed and untainted bliss await you, but you have to choose to embark on the Inward Journey to discover it
 B.K.S. Iyengar
I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the culture of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any
I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the culture of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any
Foreign aid goes from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
 Rand Paul