Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 130

With Christianity, freedom and equality became the two basic concepts of Europe; they are themselves Europe.
With Christianity, freedom and equality became the two basic concepts of Europe; they are themselves Europe.
Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.
Liberty doesn't work as well in practice as it does in speeches.
There was no one left to speak for me.
 Martin Niemoller
Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
Human life consists of doing certain things ... to take part in the life of the community; to be able to talk about subjects that interest me and there freedom of speech comes into it.
 Amartya Sen
That is true liberty, which bears a pure and firm breast.
 Quintus Ennius
Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action.
What do people have against convicts? Is living together in the pen of freedom, where young people engage in mutual psychology, any more beautiful?
What do people have against convicts? Is living together in the pen of freedom, where young people engage in mutual psychology, any more beautiful?
 Karl Kraus
The revolutionary artist does not only focus on the negative aspects of capitalist lives, but also creates visions of a revolutionary future.
No one who lives in error is free.
A lot of jobs don't allow you to be who you are. There is dignity in work only when it is work freely accepted.
This hand, to tyrants ever sworn the foe, For Freedom only deals the deadly blow; Then sheathes in calm repose the vengeful blade, For gentle peace in Freedom's hallowed shade.
 John Quincy Adams
We must defend freedom of expression and if I had to chose, I prefer the excess of caricature over the excess of censure.
 Nicolas Sarkozy
Liberty, as well as honor, man ought to preserve at the hazard of his life, for without it life is insupportable
You took my freedom away a long time ago and you can't give it back because you haven't got it yourself.
 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
It is for each of us freely to choose whom we shall serve, and find in that obedience our freedom.
 Mary Caroline Richards
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
 Barry Goldwater
The man who does not do his own thinking is a slave, and is a traitor to himself and to his fellow-men.