Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 103

Love with freedom is superior to both the freedom without love and the love without freedom!
Love with freedom is superior to both the freedom without love and the love without freedom!
We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights.
 Felix Frankfurter
Freedom of expression is no longer a political nicety, but a precondition for economic competitiveness.
 Alvin Toffler
Liberty is so much latitude as the powerful choose to accord to the weak.
 Learned Hand
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.
It is better to tolerate the rare instance of a parent refusing to let his child be educated, than to shock the common feelings and ideas by forcible asportation and education of the infant against the will of the father.
You're not really free until you're free from trying to please everybody.
To achieve progress and development it is necessary to bring about co-ordination between liberty and security through Devotion.
 Pandurang Shastri Athavale
When a profession is protected by academic freedom and tenure, it tends to turn inward. To a large extent that\'s good.
When a profession is protected by academic freedom and tenure, it tends to turn inward. To a large extent that's good.
 Martha C. Nussbaum
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
We cannot free ourselves unless we move forward united in a single desire.
 Emilio Aguinaldo
Women are expected to identify gender as a starting point. Ethnicities are expected to identify that as a location. Is it ever possible for the artist to imagine a state of absolute freedom? That was my call to arms.
 Kehinde Wiley
Monsanto doesn't care about feeding the world. We have to think about the wage slavery of migrant workers and salary slavery of those who are desperately unhappy.
Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend people.
 Brad Thor
The aim of art, the aim of a life can only be to increase the sum of freedom and responsibility to be found in every man and in the world. It cannot, under any circumstances, be to reduce or suppress that freedom, even temporarily.
One ought not to be unkind to a woman merely on account of her plainness, any more than one had a right to take liberties with her merely because she was handsome
 Murasaki Shikibu
Good government could never be a substitute for government by the people themselves.
 Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.
Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.
 Pierre Berton
It must never be forgotten...that the liberties of the people are not so safe under the gracious manner of government as by the limitation of power.
 Richard Henry Lee