Freedom is like taking a ...

Freedom is like taking a bath: You got to keep doing it every day.
Freedom is like taking a bath: You got to keep doing it every day.
 Florynce Kennedy

More phrases

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.
 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.
The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.
 Thích Nhất Hạnh
Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.

Quotes from the same author

Being a mother is a noble status, right? Right. So why does it change when you put 'unwed' or 'welfare' in front of it?
 Florynce Kennedy
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
 Florynce Kennedy
Unity in a Movement situation can be overrated. If you were the Establishment, which would you rather see coming in the door: one lion or five hundred mice?
 Florynce Kennedy
Unless you are political or intellectual, events like the Depression are seen as personal events. We thought of the Depression as something that made the pipes freeze; we thought it hit us because Daddy didn't move his taxi stand and because he broke his hip. It was only later I found out it was a national phenomenon.
 Florynce Kennedy