Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 58

The liberties of none are safe unless the liberties of all are protected.
The liberties of none are safe unless the liberties of all are protected.
 William O. Douglas
My gift to you will be to take away your freedom of choice for a while. Freedom can be very unhealthy and unproductive. Instead, you'll have freedom from choice.
 Amanda Filipacchi
We know the road to freedom has always been stalked by death.
 Angela Davis
Whatever natural right men may have to freedom and independency, it is manifest that some men have a natural ascendency over others.
 Sir Fulke Greville
If the Czar will not accord our people these desired liberties, then a revolution will bring about a republic which will assure us our rights.
 Jacob Schiff
Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.
 Herbert Hoover
[The United States and Israel] share many common objectives ... chief of which is the building of a better world in which every nation can develop its resources and develop them in freedom and peace.
...[I]f we care about our remaining liberties we must at some point draw a line in the sand and let politicians and bureaucrats know we will not tolerate further encroachment on our God-given rights to liberty.
 Walter E. Williams
What I admire most in any man is a serene spirit, a steady freedom from moral indignation, and all-embracing tolerance--in brief,what is commonly called sportsmanship.
Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.
Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.
 Carol Moseley Braun
Armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.
Politics needs a flexible mind, for it has no immutable or eternal rules. In politics immutable or eternal rules lead to inevitable and swift defeat.
 Georgi Plekhanov
Why is it that so few people are truly free? Because they try to conform to ideas, concepts, and beliefs in their heads.
Everyone asks for freedom for himself, The man free love, the businessman free trade, The writer and talker free speech and free press.
Absolute freedom does not exist; what does exist is the freedom to choose anything you like and then commit yourself to that decision.
What should move us to action is human dignity: the inalienable dignity of the oppressed, but also the dignity of each of us. We lose dignity if we tolerate the intolerable.
 Dominique de Menil
The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.
 Thích Nhất Hạnh
Philadelphia, the foundation of freedom, liberty and democracy, I still believe in the idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
 Michael Nutter
The condition every art requires is, not so much freedom from restriction, as freedom from adulteration and from the intrusion of foreign matter.
The condition every art requires is, not so much freedom from restriction, as freedom from adulteration and from the intrusion of foreign matter.
 Willa Cather
Liberties are not given, they are taken.