Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 48

What you have to do is break all the rules.
What you have to do is break all the rules.
 Andrew Wyeth
We do not commonly see in a tax a diminution of freedom, and yet it clearly is one.
 Herbert Spencer
Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent.
 Heinrich Heine
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
Civil liberty is only natural liberty, modified and secured by the sanctions of civil society.
To be what no one ever was, to be what everyone has been: Freedom is the mean of those extremes that fence all effort in.
 Mark Van Doren
Driven from every other corner of the earth, freedom of thought and the right of private judgment in matters of conscience direct their course to this happy country as their last asylum.
 Samuel Adams
Liberation is not deliverance.
Freedom which in no other land will thrive, Freedom an English subject's sole prerogative.
 John Dryden
Freedom is like taking a bath: You got to keep doing it every day.
Freedom is like taking a bath: You got to keep doing it every day.
 Florynce Kennedy
Freedom is too enormous to be slipped under a closet door.
 Harvey Milk
Those which defend liberty, equality and fraternity, seem to us superior to those which accept tyranny, the subservience of women, social and ethnic hatred.
 Claude Gueant
I saw clearly how those who saved the state so heroically and courageously in the War of Independence would be capable of bringing a catastrophe upon it if they are given the chance in normal times.
 Moshe Sharett
A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will's freedom after it.
I tried to contain myself... but I escaped!
 Gary Paulsen
At all times, day by day, we have to continue fighting for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom from want... for these are things that must be gained in peace as well as in war.
Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.
 Leon Trotsky
I believe firmly that in making ethical decisions, man has the prerogative of true freedom of choice.
 Corliss Lamont
To answer brutality with brutality is to admit one\'s moral and intellectual bankruptcy.
To answer brutality with brutality is to admit one's moral and intellectual bankruptcy.
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.