Top Inspiring Freedom Quotes to Live By - page 112

Justice is never given; it is exacted and the struggle must be continuous for freedom is never a final fact, but a continuing evolving process to higher and higher levels of human, social, economic, political and religious relationship.
Justice is never given; it is exacted and the struggle must be continuous for freedom is never a final fact, but a continuing evolving process to higher and higher levels of human, social, economic, political and religious relationship.
 A. Philip Randolph
On the contrary, there is something pleasing about his mouth when he speaks. And there is something of dignity in the way his trousers cling to those most English parts of him.
 Seth Grahame-Smith
No government on earth can make men, who have realized freedom in their hearts, salute against their will.
One must remember that the higher he climbs the spiritual ladder toward the Kingdom of Heaven, the more will he grant others their own freedom and give less interference to another's state of consciousness.
 Paul Twitchell
When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.
 Edith Hamilton
The English did not come to America from a mere love of adventure, nor to truck with or convert the savages, nor to hold offices under the crown, as the French to a great extent did, but to live in earnest and with freedom.
When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out.
 Abbie Hoffman
How could they say that my religion, Islam was a 'race hate' religion after all the plunder and enslavement and domination of my people by white Christians in the name of white supremacy?
Nobody is in a position to decree what should make a fellow man happier.
By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don\'t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing.
By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing.
When we face our fears, we can find our freedom.
We are exceptional not because of who we are but because of what we do and how we put the ideals of human dignity, individual freedom, and liberty under law into action.
 Jon Meacham
Humans need justice in the here and now and grace in the thereafter. Justice in the here and now is possible only without freedom,and grace in the thereafter only through the freedom of God.
 Friedrich Durrenmatt
All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.
 Martin Buber
Stamps from Afghanistan are hilarious. You can tell when the revolutions are because suddenly they stop having pictures of the mullahs and the independence monument and they start having fish on them.
 Samuel West
Whilst we strive To live most free, we're caught in our own toils.
 John Ford
Adventures are all very well in their place, but there's a lot to be said for regular meals and freedom from pain.
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?
There is no liberation without labor...and there is no freedom which is free.
There is no liberation without labor...and there is no freedom which is free.
 Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within.