Free men stick their necks ...

Free men stick their necks out.
 Bernard Crick

Quotes from the same author

A politics of vengeance is not politics. Revenge is a recklessness towards the future in a vain attempt to make the present abolish a suffering which is already past.
 Bernard Crick
In an abstract but real sense, Marxism arose through the breakdown first of religion and then of 'reason' as single sources of authority.
 Bernard Crick
If, of course, one builds into the concept of an 'individual' all that Professor Hayek does in his Road To Serfdom, Individualism and Economic Order and many other works, which is, to put it briefly, the whole of laisser-faire economic theory, then plainly man as such a programmed predator has very little interest in being fraternal, or very little chance.
 Bernard Crick
BOREDOM with established truths is a great enemy of free men.
 Bernard Crick
The praise of free men is worth having, for it is the only praise which is free from either servility or condescension.
 Bernard Crick