Fortune rarely accompanies ...

Fortune rarely accompanies anyone to the door.
 Torquato Tasso

Quotes from the same author

The day of fortune is like a harvest day, we must be busy when the corn is ripe.
 Torquato Tasso
O subtle love! a thousand wiles thou hast, by humble suit, by service, or by hire, to win a maiden's hold,--a thing soon done, for nature framed all women to be won.
 Torquato Tasso
As shaking terrors from his blazing hair, a sanguine comet gleams through dusky air.
 Torquato Tasso
Then amongst flowers and springs, Making delightful sport, Sat lovers without conflict, without flame
 Torquato Tasso
Not for no cold did freeze, Nor any cloud beguile Th'eternal flowering spring
 Torquato Tasso