For me the Holocaust was not ...

For me the Holocaust was not only a Jewish tragedy, but also a human tragedy. After the war, when I saw that the Jews were talking only about the tragedy of six million Jews, I sent letters to Jewish organizations asking them to talk also about the millions of others who were persecuted with us together - many of them only because they helped Jews.
 Simon Wiesenthal

Quotes from the same author

I have lost my mother, my father, my five, and ninety relatives in Poland. Poland is for me a cemetery.
 Simon Wiesenthal
When history looks back I want people to know the Nazis weren't able to kill millions of people and get away with it.
 Simon Wiesenthal
Freedom is not a gift of heaven, you have to fight for it every day
 Simon Wiesenthal
There is no freedom without justice.
 Simon Wiesenthal