For it is only in accepting ...

For it is only in accepting death that one can truly live, and for the human animal, death has always been the great black beast from the abyss to be dreaded or defeated or avoided or hated - but never looked upon clearly face to face.
 David Zindell

Quotes from the same author

“All men are warriors and life for everything in our universe is nothing but war.”
 David Zindell
It's not enough to look for the truth, however a noble journey that might be. [...] You must be able to say "yes" to what you see. [...] He is the yeasayer who could look upon evil, disease and suffering, all the worst incarnations of the Eternal No, and not fall insane. He is the great-souled one who can affirm the truth of the Universe.
 David Zindell
For war is never some cosmic accident descending upon a people with all the chance and inevitability of asteroids falling like fire out of the heavens, but only the will and work of man.
 David Zindell
Life moved ever outward into infinite possibilities and yet all things were perfect and finished in every single moment, their end attained.
 David Zindell
What is a human being, then?" "A seed." "A... seed?" "An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree.
 David Zindell