Stay Focused: Inspiring Quotes to Help You Concentrate - page 36

When you start to become a movie star it\'s easy to believe that you are Superman. That can fool you. That\'s why I prefer not to pay much attention to fame.
When you start to become a movie star it's easy to believe that you are Superman. That can fool you. That's why I prefer not to pay much attention to fame.
 Benicio Del Toro
It's very important that the determination of the US Congress to do what is is needed be made evident this week and by the actions of most of the members. I mean, you're not going to get total assent.
When your afraid,reallyafraid, you see things you never saw before, you pay attention to the world.
 Tim O'Brien
In the real world, those of us who are most productive, successful, and satisfied focus not on fixing feelings or manipulating thoughts, but on what needs to be done-and then doing it-no matter what thoughts or feelings arise.
 Dan Millman
I never really wanted to write and wanted to focus on acting.
 Abby Elliott
The episodic, reactive, almost frantic pace of what is broadcast makes children feel and act frantic and shortens their attention spans and their patience for activities that take time and problems that don't yield immediate solutions.
A man's intentions should be allowed in some respects to plead for his actions.
Hopefully, at some point, people will at least credit the Republicans with carrying out their oversight responsibilities and with pursuing a principled course of action even in the face of everyone's short-attention spans.
 Barbara Olson
The concentration camp is the final expression of human separateness and its ultimate consequence. It is organized abandonment.
 Arthur Miller
But with the right kind of coaching and determination you can accomplish anything and the biggest accomplishment that I feel I got from the film was overcoming that fear.
But with the right kind of coaching and determination you can accomplish anything and the biggest accomplishment that I feel I got from the film was overcoming that fear.
 Reese Witherspoon
Recently with IS and Islamist fanaticism, it has become easy for the Israeli government to simply push the Palestinian struggle for self-determination into the same ranks as these fundamentalist movements.
 Amos Oz
If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up.
I think accessibility is what often denies horror its deserved attention. So it all depends on the execution and whether mainstream audiences can accept it.
 Bryan Fuller
There isn't a single motivation, thought, act, or word that has slipped out of your being and escaped the full, undivided attention of God.
 Bill Hybels
A fast to be true must be accompanied by a readiness to receive pure thoughts and determination to resist all Satan's temptations.
Form may be of more account than substance. A lens of ice will focus a solar beam to a blaze.
 George Iles
We often praise 'the ability to multi-task.' While you can learn when you divide your attention, divided attention doesn't lead to aiding change in your brain maps [lasting changes].
 Norman Doidge
What moves me is watching young men bond together and tap into the magic that arises when they focus with their whole heart and soul on something greater than themselves. Once you've experienced that, it's something you never forget.
 Phil Jackson
You become what you think about and focus on the most. See yourself attracting the things you want to accomplish. Thoughts and desires in your mind can become a reality.
You become what you think about and focus on the most. See yourself attracting the things you want to accomplish. Thoughts and desires in your mind can become a reality.
 Jonathan Toews
If we focus on the minuses, we go down the spiral. But if we are able to focus on the pluses, we can become stronger and put more meaning into our life.
 Petra Nemcova