Stay Focused: Inspiring Quotes to Help You Concentrate - page 29

Don\'t wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.
 Cathy Hopkins
Intention is for achievers. Hope is for the hopeless.
Most people move actually into high performance in a crisis because that creates the kind of focus that creates high performance.
 David Allen
Mental strength is extremely important. We must be able to put troublesome people out of our minds. They should not be able to distract our focus.  This relates to casting our cares on the Lord (1 Peter 5:7).
 Phil Pringle
I believe that Providence would never have allowed us to see the victory of the Movement if it had the intention after all to destroy us at the end.
Once a person is able to achieve true singlemindedness in his practice and smash apart the old nest... into which he has settled... Wisdom immediately appears... and the all-discerning Fivefold Eye opens wide.
 Hakuin Ekaku
Satire is focused bitterness.
 Leo Rosten
Focus on becoming more to achieve more while doing less
 Hal Elrod
I am a control freak. I am very hands on and pay attention to details.
 Victoria Beckham
You may have seen me in movies like \'Fast & Furious\' and \'Avatar.\' But I wouldn\'t have been able to do any of that without hard work and determination. You can accomplish anything if you just stay out of trouble and do the right things.
You may have seen me in movies like 'Fast & Furious' and 'Avatar.' But I wouldn't have been able to do any of that without hard work and determination. You can accomplish anything if you just stay out of trouble and do the right things.
 Laz Alonso
Perhaps some people really are born unhappy. I surely hope not. Speaking for my sister and myself: We were born with the capacity and determination to be utterly happy all the time. Perhaps even in this we were freaks. Hi ho.
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
I am personally committed to helping Israelis and Palestinians achieve a peace agreement. With determination, compromise, and the belief that peace is possible, Israelis and Palestinians can make a deal.
Before you begin working your way into the system, it is imperative that you are ready to be judged. You are only new once. ... You are only ready when you can orchestrate the next move after you have the industry's attention.
 K Callan
Your ability to shape your destiny is directly proportional to your belief that it is a matter of will and determination--however much or little that belief may be.
 James A. Owen
God grant you all your desires and accept my own hearty thanks for all your attention to me. Although indeed, those attentions have tried me more than death can now terrify me.
 Lady Jane Grey
I was a drinker, so I went through the scotches. Before single malts hit, there were really cheap scotches, because nobody was paying attention to them. Then by the time they started jacking those prices up, I moved on to vodka.
 Lewis Black
The act of living had been enjoyable; at some point when I was not paying attention, it had turned into a different sort of experience, to whose grimness I had grown so accustomed that I now took it for granted.
 Paul Bowles
Women are brought up to think it\'s acceptable to pay attention to their faces. Men translate their discomfort into their behavior.
Women are brought up to think it's acceptable to pay attention to their faces. Men translate their discomfort into their behavior.
 Michelle Pfeiffer
When I see the attention movie stars get, it doesn't make me want to be in that position at all.
 Benjamin Millepied