Stay Focused: Inspiring Quotes to Help You Concentrate - page 24

No, the thing that makes for greatness is determination, persisting in the right direction over the long haul, following your dream, staying at the task.
No, the thing that makes for greatness is determination, persisting in the right direction over the long haul, following your dream, staying at the task.
 Charles R. Swindoll
How often it is that a small action becomes great by its intention. And how often it is that a great action becomes small by its intention.
 Abdullah ibn Mubarak
What’s life in this nation? Collect emptiness in a household of cornflakes. Transient fuel gobbles attention, the television aches, the truth walks. Scheme worms welcome your corpse, trap clicks and you’re in heaven, bored rigid
 Steve Aylett
Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.
Facebook has focused on the conversation, but not really on absorbing the Web into its walled garden.
 David Rusenko
If there be anything that can be called genius, it consists chiefly in ability to give that attention to a subject which keeps it steadily in the mind, till we have surveyed it accurately on all sides.
 Robert Quillen
Every time I would open my mouth to sing, everybody was paying attention to me. It became a habit.
 Nana Mouskouri
Maybe with boxing and good focus, I can fix myself and make my mother proud.
 Amnat Ruenroeng
It is of unspeakable advantage to possess our minds with an habitual good intention, and to aim all our thoughts, words, and actions at some laudable end.
The theory of the determination of wages in a free market is simply a special case of the general theory of value. Wages are the price of labour.
The theory of the determination of wages in a free market is simply a special case of the general theory of value. Wages are the price of labour.
 Sir John Richard Hicks
The direction of your focus is the direction your life will move. Let yourself move toward what is good, valuable, strong and true
 Ralph Marston
Acting is my first focus, but at the core, I'm a storyteller, and however that comes out is fine with me.
 Santino Fontana
Like, my mother would have company over, and I would sing so they'd pay attention to me.
 Little Richard
Vision = Focus / Focus = Attention / Attention = Action /Action = Results / Consistent Results = Destiny
 John Spence
Unfortunately, sometimes you can't have fun accomplishing your goals. Sometimes people don't have the determination, the will, the steadfastness, the tenacity, they give in under the slightest struggle.
Only in a concert situation do I have access to people directly to preach to them, and I don't believe that the bigger your platform is, the more people will pay attention.
 Larry Norman
They wrongly believe that good intentions move mountains. Bulldozers move mountains. But there are exceptions.
When Mama starts to move across a room, people pay attention. You can never be sure she's not going to grab you by the top of the head to steady herself. And she's pretty free with that walking stick, too.
 Bailey White
You can do two things at once, but you can\'t focus effectively on two things at once.
You can do two things at once, but you can't focus effectively on two things at once.
 Gary W. Keller
So confident am I in the intentions, as well as wisdom, of the government, that I shall always be satisfied that what is not done, either cannot, or ought not to be done.